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Here is a summary of the last talk we had about various categories in the server discord.

I'll divide this into 3/4 category, Patreon, Discord and Game, + one really minor stuff.

I would say start immediately by removing the diseased tooth.

Patreon category

I will try to be quick, let's say that the situation is not rosy, we have been in a steady decline for 6 months, so to try to revive the situation I thought of some changes.

First, we are going to give more importance to the early access.

I will try to make the gap between early and public release longer.

The early access will always be around the end and start of the month, day more day less cause of my internet.

The public release instead will be moved from a distance of 5 days to 2 weeks.

It's a big gap, but it's a test to see if something is gonna change, this try will start with the next build, not the 0.80, that one will be out in 3 days.

Secondly, Patreon removed the goals, according to me is a big mistake, so I tough on just restore them through a simple post that I will update.

Really simple, it's gonna be something like this, instead of the tracking system of the platform, I'll do this:

A bit random, but I've done it in 2 mins, oh, date feature is there only because I wanted a 3 and 3 lines.

Last thing about Patreon, I'm removing the "unique render", that was an old idea of doing something that I have done literally 3 times in all this time, it's an useless reward since now we have better stuff like pin ups.

Category concluded, tell me what you think and what you like and dislike.

Discord category

We need to find a way to revitalise the community, so I thought of several things.

First, I'm gonna do CoR streams where I fix/add stuff in game, this time they will be periodic, not random, since I already fix stuff even at 2:00 am, I guess streaming it could be a nice idea.

Second, game events will be set up in the server.

Using that discord feature that let people see what events there are in the server.

Probably they are going to be at night, with games like Mario Kart or some pc game, stuff like that, I don't know if they will be streammable, we'll see.

My third idea instead is to establish a kind of currency with the help of bots in the server that can be accumulated and used to claim prizes, like for example the early access.

For example, if you are the most active user you get enough points to achive the early, one user per month, something like that.

Depending also in the channel used to talk and other stuff you could get more or less.

So yeah, talk about cor and use spoiler talk and you could win an early every month.

Game category

First of all, the game needs more publicity, since after 3 years CoR is not really well knowed around, and I don't know why honestly.

So probably I'll do some videos to upload in "certain sites" to get more attention.

Also, I'll try making a web version to upload in some game sites like gamecor.

Regarding other possible versions, I thought there might be a way to be able to attract the attention of even players who only want to enjoy the story and don't like the sandbox.

I could create an in-game integration that allows you to choose how to play the game, whether to play it as it was intended or with a VN-only version without a sandbox.

VN mode could also be a goal.

Now, about the game:

I do a roundup of what's coming up between fix, changes and additions

1 - All the cards will be finished this month, so I'll remove all those Hell placeholders.

2 - Tailè or Neon will probably get a room in this next build.

3 - New costume incoming, it will be choosen by patreon poll between cowgirl hera and another one.

4 - Hera nurse will get the lewds.

5 - New job with neon and cleos (this one if she will get an event).

The rest will be told during the sneaks.

Lately it seemed to me that people have forgotten that CoR first used custom animations, first kkuts, first a lot of things that served to improve it.

Now that other games are starting to use them as well, it almost feels like it's not being recognized as valuable as it always was, and it slightly irritates me.

For this reason I plan to bring even more detailed and complex animations into the game, better than the current ones, at the level of the Hera kitchen, probably the best animation in game at the moment.

On the other hand, as for all the old graphics, most likely players do not totally immerse themselves in CoR since between the part before and after the assault there is a gulf in quality.

This one is from that part of the game, the Hera escape at the hospital:

This could be the remade one (except for the syringe interpenetrating the hand, that needs to be fixed):

Not sure about the pose, it could even be like the old one but better graphically:

In any case, that's gonna be the difference with the re-rendered parts.

I'm gonna add a lot more videos during the events, where I think it could be cool to have the scene animated.

So, what I'm going to do is to make the 0.82 a build were I re-render as many events as I can, and this build is going to be out during my month rest, fourth category.

Rest month

I'll spend it making 0.82, end category.

Let me now if everything showed today is okay or not for you or if you have better ideas.




maybe try cros promoting with other devs i know i only found this game because i was looking for more games like corrupted kingdoms


I have thought about it several times, unfortunately the relationship between the various devs I know is not the best towards me


I can't start the Game