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I welcome you to version 0.77!

Another month, new build, it's time to show what's new in this fantastic new patch!

First, let's start with the main story:

Oh look, there's your best friend over there, go and say hello to him.

Oh, it's really hot today.

Remember when I said that I switched one main story event, this time is the right time:

The talk between the girls can happen now, I changed the location in the meeting room for this, just reusing the same preview.

I'm missing the final event precisely because I'm applying the girls' integration more, most likely in April I'll do the event now to unlock the main story and continue it.

Now our focus girl of the month, Isabel, she got a new event and also a fast hint tracker:

No gambling, promise.

Even if I'll probably add a strip poker minigame in the future.

Estia's new event:

What is the box? What's in it? Will we find out at this event? Nope.

Hera's new event:

"what the gob doin'

In this update I have also remade an old event, Wet Noises:

So yeah, in the end, it's a remade lewd, ere is the old animation for a quick check.

I'm gonna also tell you that with the last Hera's event, the gobbo could start getting personal events.

Look how happy she is:

I have also added a nice animation after you finish Hera's event, simply check the lab for strange icons.

Since enough time has passed from the last time, we are going to get a new episode from the CoR TV.

The new episode is called "Tea Making", it's a fun little short with Sheila and Hell:

New Features:

These are the changes thanks to the "Small Talk":

I removed the talk with Sheila and the night "Come closer" for Hera and Asme.

The Talk is in the game with the utility to unlock the notes for the girls.

First for them is Cleos:

This way I hope people can finally understand how that stuff works.

New style of the cards, you will get the new ones and this way you can decide which one feels better.

Now the quest will tell if the main content is over, so instead of the usual (Not in the game yet), you will get this:

Instead, if a main story quest is not finished, you will get this:

The name of the Exile button is now Navi.

The clock in the game now will work everywhere, also in the house, except for the main chara bedroom, there use the bed.

There are still some stuff from the "Small Talk" to apply, for now tell me if you like these ones.

New Minigame:

In this update you will also be able to play the new minigame to get more cash:

You have to serve the right food:

The descriptions will be different every time, so it's your job to guess the right one:

In this first difficulty, you will get 5 serving rounds with 3 dishes.

Depending on how many points you did, you will get more or less money.


I decided to change how the quest for the first etheria hunt works.

I left you on purpose without a quest at that moment because I wanted to see if you were reading what Maeve said, 98% of you failed the test.

The quest now will get another part telling you where to go and what to do.

Grammar and Bugfix:

All grammatical errors have been corrected, cut animations reinserted, and mapping images reapplied, and a partial optimization of the code has also been carried out, which should make some parts of the game smoother.

Works of the month:

Voting for the dragon has ended, you will soon see the final version.

For the next patch, I still plan to bring the main story, with the usual girls and the focused girl of your choice.

I will try to add more small talk elements and finalize the current ones if favored by you.

In addition, there will be new lewds coming, such as one for Hera in the kitchen.

I will probably deepen the library by adding a job with Cleos and the possibility of taking certain books to deepen the lore.

For wallpapers, I think I'm in the mood for rabbits this month, instead, the pin-up might be in space, or vice versa, who knows.

That being said, the early is ready, while the public version will be coming soon.

I hope you enjoy this new version!



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