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It is time to do the poll to decide on the model of the dragon!

The first model I consider a "bratty dragon":

the second one instead is the "wild dragon":

the third and last face change is just "gonna stamp on her face a gremlin" (yeah is just a meme, but who knows, someone is going to like it):

There are also two body models to decide (boobs size still to be chosen)

The big one:

the small one:

The last thing is the hairstyle.

The first is a mix of spiky long hair:

The second one is a wild and spiky ponytail

The last one is this waves style:

Vote your preference and let's finalize her model!



For the Face I prefer Wild since it kinda gives off a mature vibe for some reason. With the size I'd assume are either same size as the player or larger so its a bit hard especially since the big model is missing the features the small has which may sway peoples votes since we can't see the whole picture. The Hair is the worst (in terms of me trying to make a decision) cuz I like both the Spiky and ponytail, if we could change her hair like how we can change cloths with some characters then add both.


this is basically the same as what I said back in "Champion's Life N° 96"


I voted for small because we need more petite options in our girls. Just saying. But it would be cool if her hair changed, maybe depending on the day of the week, scene, or something like that. Give us variety!