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Hi guys, this is the result of the 'little chat' I announced, you can still have your say on what you prefer:

Main hub elements

First of all, the rest:

Some have complained that the clock does not work at home.

I have no problem reactivating it, but at this point, the rest on the bed would become useless.

Would you rather have your clock back in the house? Remove the rest option? Leave both active?

According to players, there is no problem with having both active.

The exile navigator

People complain that are needed too many clicks to move from one room to another.

So to make it easier for everyone, I can give you three solutions:

Solution one: the Exile nav remains always open until you decide to close it

Solution two : remove the exile nav and use something like this, small icons permanent on screen, like this:

Solution three: remove the exile nav and use a slider, even if in the past I've already done that:

Something you asked me is to call the navi button, to make it clear that it is used to navigate the house:

So, the temporary solution could be: name change, fixed and removable Navi, room names in display, like the Dusk shortcut one.

Quest menu

People complained that they don't understand when the quests are over

First thing, a quest list is coming here with a better arrangement of the icons, showing completed quest and new ones.

Now, the reason why in the public the icon of the last quest was missing is because I changed how the end of the main quests is shown.

Now you will get this message:

Girls' Cards

I'll use as example Hera's card

I already know the problems, too much stuff on screen.

My idea at the moment is to remove from the main page elements from the page that are not useful, and that can be considered a 'flex', i.e. the sex stats

I have prepared two pages that show possible new cards

This is what I think should work, first, even if cool, removing the weel, since it's more clicks in the cards, put all the  sub menu under the normal info, red line in the pic

Second, the arrow on the left, third, all the stats go under a new submenu, this way is more clean.

The second option is to add a miniscreen at the bottom that shows every submenu:

In any case, this third method keeps all the information on the screen without having to change screens, probably the best solution for cleaning up, let me now if you prefer the original or the new two options.

Talk with

That stuff is going to be removed and changed.

Although at first I thought it was nice to be able to write certain things and see the answers that pop up, in the end, it is a useless feature.

So, I decided to change it with something more simple.

You will be able to still talk with them, but it will be about the events of the main story, their history and side events, unlocking the info, like this in game:

Gallery unlocking

Players complain about understanding how to trigger these events:

If on one side, that note stuff will help, I'll probably add a little description on what they are.

Night Lewds

Come closer is removed from the game:

This is mainly for two reason, first is that we got this:

Second you can call and sleep with them, and I already said that during the night I'll add lewds for the sleeping part.


I got an idea, create a single big map for the main parts of Unison

So one single big map for all that place, except for Dusk, since for it there is the teleporter and now the fast travel.

The forest probably will be changed, no reason to have two forests, I'll mix them.

Voiced Lewds

I should do a poll about it, but there are two possible things.

First, I use something similar to Asmedia or I pay someone external to voice the girls with real VA.

I found someone which I could try, so I could let do one Asmedia scene, and let you compare the two voiced scenes.

Even if probably I already know the result.


Since I read that people prefer something simple, I thought of ways to make them interesting and easy.

An example is the new minigame I made for Isabel, the serving one.

The first test was quite banal, the order appeared and the player clicked the right food, a bit meh.

So I decided to turn it into 'Guess the food and serve it'.

You will get 5 serving round, every round with a different client with his need.

Like this one (renders still to be made):

You have to guess and serve the right food

If you get all the dishes right, you will earn a money bonus, if you guess less than 3, you will get half the money

The descriptions will be differents every time, so it's your job to guess the right one

And the difficulty will increase when you have these desciriptions

Main Story and the Girls

The idea I had developed was to leave the main story free after the assault so as not to give any form of limitation or demand to the players.

I spent February thinking about various things and rewriting them better, let me explain.

The further into the story we go, the greater the phenomenon of 'Dissociation' will become.

That is, the impact each character will have in the game will only be seen as 'momentary' or of that 'single use'.

I'll do an example, it's gonna be little spoiler:

In the first writing of the character's story, Mikosh was supposed to be the one who would create the special clothes for the girls to use during the fighting events, through her special silk, but in the later writing, this does not happen, done in order not to force the player to follow Mikosh's story to continue in the Main.

The problem with this, however, causes a belittling of the character.

So, at this point I can follow two path, first one, everything remains like this, second one, I restore all the blocking part of the main story with the girls roles

And the second one is something that I'm already doing with Tailè and the Forge stuff.

This is how the game could continue, first path, girls only useful on certain keypoints, happenig after assault

Second path, continuous interweaving with the main story, happenig before the assault, probably the best stuff to do

The best way is to follow the second pact, to maintain the importance of the charas during the story, even if this means locking the main one behind a girl's quest.

Numbers of girls

I have received quite heavy criticism in unexplored shores like 'he wants to put 25/30 girls in the game, is he crazy? Does he think it will be supported for the next 20 years? The game won't be finished" and blah blah...

Every time I say the girls it's random, but there won't be 50000 of them, during this month I have refined and merged several characters to create something more fluid

In any case, I have no intention of adding characters in order to lengthen the broth, each has the role they need.


Guys, I kindly ask you to refrain from using heavy complaints against the launcher, it is a product that was made with dedication at no cost by someone that likes the game at the point of making the launcher for free.

Momentary slowness of downloads is caused by peak usage, there is not much you can do about it.

I can give you only two solutions, first one, I prioritize the launcher for the Patreons, giving them like a "perk of precedence".

Second one, buying more servers, and this means to add the new server to buy and being maintained as Patreon goal.

Other than that I don't think there are any other solutions.


I think there is nothing more to add here, the other categories concern discord or other issues, so tell me what you think, new polls and new forms of entertainment will be coming in the next few days, don't miss them!



robert young

personally im all for changing the name to navi then making the menu full screen with all locations listed so two clicks will take you anywhere in the game

robert young

for the char. cards the way you show asmedias card is perfect imho. then for the story/girls i think they should all be necessary and for the mc to save them and bring them into the house then let the player decide to romance them or not. that way they all can have their story and parts and the weirdos who dont want to romance them all dont have to. (just a joke guys dont go crazy)