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Time to open the box

Let's show the last three sneaks before it's time to release the Xmas present

But first a brief review of the content

In this 0.74 we get story and events, plus some little improvement in the maps and some aesthetic

You will find the 3 Maeve events, the two Neon events, with finally her card, and one main story

That single main story is needed to get Neon's card and proceed into the last two of Maeve's events

So let's show the last previews:

I really wonder who this little one is, do you have any ideas?

Someone is not having a very good time

This is absolutely nothing lewd

And with this last trio, we have the complete set

We got the info about the new update, now my intention is to give it to everyone for Xmas as a gift

Probably I'll start updating it on the 23 Dec, since it will take an entire day for my internet

I hope it will be out on the 24 night or 25 morning

As for the winter wallpaper, we have our winners, Neon big won the poll, with second place Isabel

For the pin-up, I'll probably do something called "Krampus Asmedia"

Last thing about the Christmas holidays, will begin with the release of 0.74, but I will still remain active for any needs and help

I will be back during the first week of January with the new content regime, which I am sure you will enjoy, plus other things I have in mind

And this concludes the last sneak of the year, but not the last secret sneak

I have still some stuff to show, some chara to reveal, and more, before the end, it will be intriguing, I have some "inari" to show, some "red" to do, some "hidden" twilight to see

Having said that, go in peace boys

