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As mentioned in the previous post, these ideas concern both the upload method and the content

Let's take a new full monthly release as an example, inside it this way there should be:

Always main story content, at least 1 entire quest or more in case the build focus only on the story

In case there are also girls' events in the "Story build", at least 1 entire main quest, but if the focus is the girls, at least one or more (preferable more) main story, to let it always progress

For the girls' events and the "Girls build", since they are now a big number, the best thing to do should be to focus mainly on one, doing more than 3/4 event's for the chosen girl, then adding events also for the other girls, but a limited number

Every month I'll also do a poll where patrons can freely choose a girl that must receive at least one event for the build

So, this is more or less what I thought for the in-game content, it will still happen that there will be feature additions or whatever in the builds, but I will try to limit or dilute them over time to better progress the story

An example of "Story build" could be: 8 main events, 1 Aneko, 1 Neon, 1 Jin, 1 another, plus other stuff and fix

For "Girl build" could be: 4/5 Cleos' events, 1 Hera, 1 Sheila, 1/2 main story, plus the rest

I'm giving random numbers, but it should be like that

Now instead the update part

We know that my internet is shit, 2 days for 25/30GB, that can be considered like 50/60 since I update on both Mega and Media

We have the launcher, but there are still people using zip, so this is my idea:

It's really simple, I'm gonna upload a single CoR game file, that will be used as a "core" or "main base", and I'll release only the patch of the new content

In this way, at most I will have to upload 1GB instead of 9GB every time, and all you have to do is overwrite the files and enjoy the game

Fast example, you download the main "CoR file", and the next time just use "CoR Update patch 0.72" to update the game

There are two limiting problems though, the first is that the base will have to be updated after a while, the second is that many people have problems even just updating the game manually

Probably the only solution would be to continue uploading the entire game each time and also include 'new content only' downloadable parts as an alternative

In any case, this will not affect 0.72, since I said it would be a 'Full Maeve', for the rest let me know what you think




I think this is a great idea. It pushes the main story and the girls forward, and let's Patreons choose a girl to get some content. It will help keep girls from getting left behind (rip cleos who just got her first content since her lewd)