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So, guys, this sneak will not be used to talk about 0.69, although I will explain what it will include

I want to show both a possible change of Tailé and finalize and show an important character coming up

First, the 0.69 update

All of us know that's a number meme, and that It should be fully lewd (modificato)

But, it will be more than that

First, I'm gonna add lewds for the girls with less lewds in the game

So you can expect new Iza scene, new Tsukiko scene...

The main focus of the lewd will be to make a "complete set" of all the basic stuff

This way, all of them should have a blow, tit, hand, and a sex pose

This also means that someone will not get lewd in this build, like Asme

Also, in this build, one girl of your choice will get the asme treatment

so the good morning, good night, and the chance to sleep with you

Another thing is that I'm gonna do the main story, still deciding how many events

There is a lot more to say, but for now back to the main focus

Tailè and the second shortstack

For Tailè, I wanted to try to "improve" her face

So what you have to do is simply say which one do you think is better

I have already done a poll for that, but I don't see you very convinced

The one on the left is the changed one, and the one on the right is the actual Tailè in game

I've done several screens, so let's see what you prefer







Give me your preference

As soon as possible, as Tailè will appear quite a bit in the main story from now on and I would like you to be decided on the model 

Well, I guess we can now take the shortstack out of the bag, it was the secret peek of the last month, so it's time

Time to show you another new entry incoming

This little one is coming to the game, and she could be with us literally next build if I change some events schedule I made She is our second shortstack 

Somekind of goblin/gremlin I've made several versions of her, but the main problem, for now, is the skin type and the hairstyle

After testing all of them, I decided that the best thing to do is to keep the light green for the skin

And doing some nice stuff with the hairstyle

In the end, I removed the tail and the back horns, since I need them for reasons

Let me show now her final form with the possible hair combination

This one was the first

the problem, big gobbo ears clip with the hair, so the solution was only one, using a hairstyle with hair up

These two could be the final possible hairstyle

But I also did a special third option

This, instead of no hair in the left part, I added those wisps

This is the result of both style

Also for her, say what is your preference

now some screen

Can you already tell who she will be in the game?

Let's see if you can amaze me

Remember to tell me who you prefer for Tailè and the gobbo

That's it for tonight, go in peace




The thicc Gobbo girl 😍 love it