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Oh oh oh, it's sneak peek time

This sneak will serve to confirm what you will get in this build, let's start

First thing, like I said last time, you will be finally able to complete the long awaited guild quest

The events are going to be two, this way the preliminary events to use that place will be done 

The first one is going to be the explanatory mission with Jack

Pay no attention to the light, the poor guy didn't have shaders yet

The second one will be a "friendly" test that you will do with both of them

Remember, she is not short... otherwise, you know the price to pay

There are now new fan art and new trophies to buy

You can easily see who they are, the third row and the trophy of Iza and Tailè

Now Cleos got her first alternative bg, this one is unlocked during the story

The event is exactly when she get her room in the new house

These will be the complete set of menus for the girls, cleos is the first one to have all of them

Like I said last time, now you will be finally able to cooking

but... to cook a specific dish that requires...fish....well....you know....

Yeah okay, I added in the game a simple minigame to fish the fish 

So, yes, the danger is incoming

Right now you can fish in the pond in the forest, and collect two kind of fish for now, one used specifically for the recipe that you can also cook with iza

Gifting will probably not be implemented in this patch, as I decided to add another thing

Now it's the turn for the famous errors of the past, yeah

This one will be complicated to explain

It was supposed to be 2, but I added 2 more, so total 4, wow I can count

What do I mean for errors of the past?

It can be categorized in two parts

The first is "the errors of the protagonist", it means that somehow, what happened to him will hunt him

I won't say exactly how to find these two, but let's say they are connected to the head

The second category instead is "the errors of the dev" 

For example, there are some parts of the story that needs some "plot adjustement"

When you live in exile, and then return to Unison, it doesn't feel like there is "no danger" after what happened?

So for stuff like this, I'm adding some events to make clear that you are not totally safe

Now gonna show 2 of the mind and the one in the city

The two of the mind:

The one in the city

The fourth, I think, will be placed at the Peak

Another thing, there is a new room in the lab, someone is able to guess what it could be?

It's not either the meth lab or a sex dungeon

It's Erika's sleeping room

Right now, there is nothing to do there, apart from listening to a sad melody...

In any case, let's be happy now, because two new chara got their events, yeeee

Yep, I'm talking about the fashion girl and the farmer

They got one event, a simple presentation event, as Isabel also had it

Let me show something quick for both of them

This one is part of the farmer event

Fashion girl

What? You wanted another ass peek?

Let's neither forget about the incoming remade event for Asmedia

This one is another render redone, the famous kiss scene

To see the difference, let me post also the previous one


Now, let's conclude with the last thing

Although they should not be there right now, there are translations ready

But they will only cover the part up to the previous patch, no more for now

The UI is still incomplete, but the dialogues should work

These are the available languages

Thanks to Ivann for the eng and spanish button

And with that we have concluded, go in peace.




Spetacolo anche l'italiano top bel lavoro 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Johnny Mind

I'm pleasantly surprised to see Italian, my mother tongue, in this game, although personally I'll stick to English since it's good practice. Hope even more people will play this fantastic game thanks to the addition of those languages!