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Do you know what time it is?

It's time to show what you will find in the next build

As I said in the past sneaks, this build will focus on adding new features and stuff to do in-game

So we will finally be able to cook for the girls and give them a gift

Let's start talking about how cooking will be implemented

I thought of different ways between minigames and other stuff

But then I thought about the players who would complain about the difficulty or something like that

So in the end I thought it best to keep things simple

In the game, you will be able to buy recipes to replicate in the kitchen

When the time comes, all you have to do is follow the right order of ingredients to make the dish

Let's do a fast example

You unlock a recipe, and the order to do that dish is milk -> egg -> ham

Remember correctly the order, since rollback is disabled during this stuff 

If you have done it correctly, you are a good boy

If you chose the wrong ingredient, well, call the fire brigade

There are also special recipes that you can cook with the girls

To boost the effect of the meals

The food will give specific effects, some can raise the stats, and some can alter the status

Imagine giving  to all the girls something that makes them horny

The gifts work in the same way

 They can alter or boost the stats

And also unlock events or mini events

Like finding Hera eating a parfait after you cooked/gifted it to her

Now you could ask, where are the ingredients to cook?

Well, it's simple, some of them, like herbs and other stuff in the nature, you'll be able to get them in places like the forest

Some could come with stuff like....fishing, yep

Or you could harvest or buy them

I don't think so in this update, but the garden will be used for important things in the future

Soooooo, now you could ask, who is going to sell us fresh ingredients?

Of course is the Farmer girl

Now, what if I said her total chara got redesigned to be better than that?

Time to show you how the farmer improved

Let's do a comparison between the old and the new model

They are like night and day 

Still deciding on the final name, but it should be Beth or Maribel

Expect more from her, since what you see is not what it seems

Like this

In any case, you will see her in this upcoming build

In this update you will be able also to buy new clothes from the fashonista shopper

Yep, this update will have presentation events from both chara

I also tried to improve her, but even trying, I guess she's perfect like that

This one is the old render, the new one got ther new layers, shaders, and the head fixed

So for this update, for now, you will find:

2 new chara + their presentation events

cooking and gifts

I'll show more in the next sneak, so for now, go in peace




why not have them both and they can be sisters (Beth the new design / older sister and Maribel the old design / younger sister)


both the designs look nice so it'd be nice to incorporate both somehow and not loose one, and a shop that can rotate which sister is working could allow for extra interactions with the one on break