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I welcome you to 0.60!

I know guys, we are a little late, but I wanted to take 3 extra days to make this build perfect.

It is the most important build released so far, and you will understand in-game since it gives the basis for "a new beginning". Full of questions to be asked after the gameplay.

If I failed to convey what I wanted with this build, I can consider it a failure.

But let's not waste time and talk about the content!

As I had already said, it's just story and a very important one.

You will find 5 events for the girls:






And of course main story events:

these events have been divided in a special way, the first 3 are 'normal', the third is much bigger and the others are a unique set that makes them an even bigger and more important event than the famous 'assault'.

If I had to break it down, I'd say it alone makes 4/5 events.

Many 'consequences' of this build will come in 0.61

This new build also makes the appearance of the new dialogues completely rewritten. There will be no need to replay the game, you can check them from the event tracker, and they are:

All the initial prologue

Asmedia up to the story of her past

Hera until the experiment with the potion

Izanami until his duel

The first meeting with Estia

The first meeting with Cleos

This rewrite is really very important, it could bring the game to a higher level and English, so tell me if you like it.

This is the month of trick or treat, expect a poll for the next wallpaper.

I'm only missing three requests to deliver, and I'm already working on the new ones, don't worry, everyone will get everything

As for the next build, in part, it will be a continuation of this one, with the last event really important, and also additions of the "Reset" part. That said, the Early is ready, the public version will be coming soon.

0.60 will determine many things and the future of CoR, let's hope it goes well

I hope you like this new version!
