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I've already talked about it in the Discord, so I'll explain it again and repropose it here.

It's about creating monthly builds.

I thought they might be useful for three reasons in particular:

More content

More anticipation, more hype, since perhaps receiving the update every week makes it monotonous? Obvious?

Avoid complaints about the type of content being released, such as few events or work on secondary stuff. By receiving one big package things should get better, and the judgment would be on a month's build, not every 7 days.

Patreons will have the build at the end of the month, public the usual days later, which maybe goes to 5/7

For the beta, I may test it in September, making the release a week before the end of the month

So the releases are going to be like:

Beta 25th of the month

Early  30/ 31th of the month

Public 5 days after early

And this also implies a live changelog that will be updated every week reporting the content that is being worked on.

What do you think?




Sounds great


Sounds good to me, I already wait a month at least between downloads to enjoy more content at once :)


I also wait like a month as well so this works great for me, as long as we get proper progress updates, I would prefer it this way.

A Mere Shadow

I don't have a problem with this


Im fine with it, and to be honest maybe thats the way. In the other hand maybe the bug fixing and other corrections will be easier while you have more time on working the newer stuff! ❤️


Sounds good to me.


This would be an amazing idea! Could you also add sound effects or give the girls each a different moans that fit their personality(or the type of voice/noise they would make if they had actual voices).


Differentiated moans for each girl are on their way ;)


This sounds like a decent idea. Although I'd personally prefer a release schedule of be twice a month/every two weeks, I can see the benefits of having a full month to prepare and a full month's worth of corrections. The only downside is waiting a full month in for a fix is there are any bugs, not that I've noticed any bugs other than that problem with the ren'py build that one time, which was a problem with ren'py, not CoR itself.