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It's time for sneak peeks.

This build 0.55 will contain mainly 3 events

First event, will be the story one:

Back in the cell, you'll be able to gain her trust, who knows...

Second event is for Hell

It's time to use the gem to make something.

Last event, it's for Sheila:

In this particular event, I'll try adding a bridge event for the next one, to test if they work well and you like it.

Bridge events

Bridge events are mini-events that will serve to more seamlessly connect the course of events, allowing us to continue the girls' story.

These Bridge Events can take various forms, both from the point of view of the MC, and that of the girl in question, and even a kind of internal monologue of the girl herself.

They are small. around 4/5 renders, but they can deepen the charas more.

That's all for now, well, it's just simple story events


Fresh thoughts

So, guys, a phenomenon is occurring lately and added to other things, will be the consequence of my final decision.

1) Players are complaining about the lack of enough content and Patreon Rewards.

As per the title, players always want more, lately, they see a lack of enough events to play a build. I can already imagine the complaints coming for only 3 story events in 0.55. 

The 0.54 build contained so many lewds to represent in a single week 4 builds, since I can divide the various renders of lewds in 4 blocks and I would not reach the same 20 available

I understand that people want more story, but it should give me time to complete all the side stuff that there is to finish before moving on.

As for Rewards, I honestly don't know, between free and exclusive content, I'm one of the few Devs to make all those posts and wallpapers/renders. I did the 4th July one and more are coming, also the animated ones.

2) Bridge Event

Given the arrival of this new kind of transition between events, I'd rather give you a taste of it in multiple pieces than just one event, so to get more feedback.

3) Give more time and space to interactive lewds.

I don't know, honestly, it almost seems like the interactive lewds weren't impactful enough, I still haven't received enough feedback on their implementation or increased attraction pours into CoR.

So, if people want more content, then I have to take more time, releasing 0.55 on the 18th, but, in addition to that already mentioned, with also:

Another Sheila event

Sheila Lewd

Izanami Event

Story Event 

Tailè Event

Isabel Event

Tsukiko Event

That being said, tell me what you think about it, I always value your opinions.




So I'm pretty fine with everything so far. Really loving the story. Side events and all. Shelia is one I am wanting to see more of at the moment. But I'm fine whichever way you release stuff.


Is it coming out on the 18th?

Johnny Mind

I love the game so far, the story, the events and of course the lewds! I expected we'd get a smaller update after such a big one and I'm honestly fine with it. My only problem with the previous update is that I still don't understand if you can get all poses during the interactive scenes when you choose them, since some I've only seen in the auto mode, or if I'm doing something wrong (for example the footjob). Anyway, I think you're doing a fantastic job, keep up the good work!


Thanks, glad you're enjoying it. The animations of the auto mode are not present in the chosen mode only for 0.54, for 0.55 I have already made them selectable.


Nothing but positive comments here. Love the game. And you can update as frequently as you see fit. Just don't burn out trying to do too much.


Loving the game. I don't understand the complaints about the quantity of content added in updates. We already have so much content, that I am having a hard time keeping track at times. Replayability of some of it can feel a bit stilted at times, but the work you are doing on QoL for interaction, menu, and transition makes me more than happy. I've stayed with creators who took months off, or who have been working on HUGE content/configuration/code changes. I support the creators for their own vision, and have no issue providing feedback or asking questions. That said, if someone is going to endlessly complain about content....90% of the tools are freeware. Art can be commissioned by the same artists, and in some cases whole art packs can be purchased for game creation. The point is, that if a persons individual dissatisfaction with the content available, they have no choice but to pursue creation of their own. Perpetually unloading unconstructive complaints upon the creators is only destroying the ecosystems which help creators grow and thrive.