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This long post will contain all the new features that I decided to implement on CoR, thought in the arc of my "rest".

Many of you will have already seen it, but a refresh won't hurt.

New transition

Previously, switching to certain menus was done in a direct way

As if there was a sudden break

Now the transition is smooth, without breaks

This method has been applied to all menus that had blocks/breaks

Now, let's see some new stuff.

New animations

Each time an event was completed, or a particular point earned, was there a real way to see what had been unlocked?

Nope, the players had to check their cards to see which statistic had increased

Instead, we now have a special animation that will tell us exactly what we have increased

And each girl will have her own effect

A little exp:

I still have to clean the black bg, but that's how will work

New pass time scene

I wanted to show you that the black screen of time passing no longer exists.

Now we have the various presentation pics of the girls

the transition is fast because I'm skipping

New inside card

Now, let's talk about the big card stuff


This is a lot of stuff, let's talk

And yeah, If you don't like the big bar blue/yellow, it can be removed

A simple switch yes I want  no I don't

First, the pink and red hearts are the Love and Lust

You can hover the icons to see how many points you got

There is also a small description of the girl, near the name

The main stats are still the same style, but I'll use different stars

Same for the perks, meanwhile the status will become an icon, it will work like the hearts

The new relationship status is here, it will change with the progression of her story

For expl, Cleos has  Relationship : Customer -> Study-Buddy -> Lover.....

Now, let's talk about the sex stats

As you can see, there are two new stats

I added since in the previous build was missing, so analsex fans can be happy, yeeeee

Instead, the "Fetish" Icon is a special category

Where all the strange sex pose and similar stuff will be placed

Like the Kneejob, and others...

In addition, every stats now has a Rank

More experienced is the girl, higher the rank will be

Now, a little example of all the new menu

As you can see, the kiss got a rank, lv3 inexperienced

You may ask, why the new heart is still there?

How events unfold will be slightly different, taking Cleos as an example.

I decided to do a little test

In order to better link the girls' events, I decided to add "bridge events" as well.

What are they? Let me explain

Take as an example when we give the book borrowed to Cleos, and then we don't know anything more about it

Well, it's literally "take the book, end of the event we already have the book back"

What if we did a small bridging event where you simply go to Cleos and read it together?

4/5 scenes with dialogues and then the next event is unlocked

Definitely better than just 'Spend time with her x3, new event available'.

Do you think it's over? Nope

Can you see the little gear?

Let's trigger it

One will show the Records of the girl, her story

The  second one is the showcase for the Costumes

Now, since we are over with the new cards, let's talk about costumes

It will be possible to buy them and have them crafted by a very special character.

All I can tell you is that she's a Ethriam, and you might be able to guess the type.

In any case, it will be the 'CoR version', like with Hell.

Now let's move on to another topic

CoR Quirks

Now, let's talk about the "CoR needs to be unique"

Qte will be used more often, they may lead to event variations or game over

Same for events choices

Collectables, ranging from statues to pics, will now be hidden around the maps.

The rooms could also receive basic customization

The new living room is also ready and consequently also CoR TV

Incoming also a new job to make money

Also new status:

There are 3 new statuses coming

Drunk Asmedia and Drunk Hera

If you go to the restaurant, you might have to drink too much.


New game, where are Asmedia's hands?

And where is Hera?

Then we have "Needy Hell"

Don't neglect your puppy too much, she wants lots of cuddles.

Do this and she will enter that state, and you already know what will happen.

Interactive Lewd

So, the creation of the interactions is as follows

During the lewd, you will have the opportunity to choose the route you prefer

Starting with a Teasing Scene

Cleos is our girl test

I'll use for example two of them

Let's say you choose the second one

During the teasing, you can choose how to approach her

Kiss? Lick? Sexy Cuddle?

Let's choose the cuddle

In order not to create instant animations, there will be special linking scenes

like this one:

So, you choose Sex Cuddle

Now, after this, what are you going to do?

Lift Cleos leg and fuck her?


You chose to turn her on the ground and take her from behind

Now, another new thing is that with all these possible combinations, when are you going to end?

Depending on the speed, you will accumulate climax point

Yep, horrible graphic

But reached the 100 climax you can end and release everything

Now, what if you reach climax 100 and don't want to end the sex or you just want to change pose?

You can do it, just chose another pose

Linking scene

Let's enjoy some ass before fucking again

And then

There is also a secret status

Horrible font part 2

Well, it's simple

Reached that status you will unlock pose more extreme/horny

Yep, broken gif.

The animation is slow just because the gifs are ugly

In-game is like speed x5

Now, what if you wanted literally to do nothing and letting the girl select the lewds?

You can do it

It's like an auto mode where all you have to do is just watch

Yeah, for the one that only wants to fap, so Cleos will choose every lewd

(another broken, reeeeeeee)

You can also choose where to release your "nutrients"

Inside or like this:

After all this love

The only thing that remains to do is a nice After Scene

And this guys is the Interactive Lewd

Now, let's talk about something else


In-game there will be 3 possible versions:

The family trip, which we have already seen with the restaurant

Single dates

Adult night out

Let's talk about the night out

They are dates that can only happen during midnight, and they got the same "specialty" as the normal dates

And yeah

Let's do an example with a normal date about what you can do

Each girl will have a favorite date spot

Among the various things, you will be able to do, there will be a chance to test the knowledge you have of the girl

For example Hera "You know, I still remember our first date, where we ate at that bakery"

You will be allowed three different answers, I have to decide whether to time them or not

Answer that "Yes, I still remember how much you enjoyed that ice cream milkshake ( I can't remember the name of the dessert)."

You'll get a positive reaction and earn points with her

Hera:" I can't help it, I love desserts."

Answer wrong

MC"it was a cake"

hera "Are you sure you remember correctly? You haven't forgotten, have you?"

Depending on how the date goes, you can change the girl's status, make her angry, or......

And that was the date, you can do also other stuff


Not much to say, just different accessories or hair for girls

Since they could come to a lot of renders, the options are two, or combine a style with a costume, or leave the change only for a nude or basic outfit

The combined is like Estia house outfit

Play your way

With the increase in choices, there will be additions, such as the ability to perform certain events in your own way

It's limited stuff, but it will allow you to play in your own style

Let's make a fast example with one event of Sheila

Imagine now

At this point in the event, you will be able to choose how to answer

And like the date stuff,  the event will vary

Positive response, Sheila point

Negative response, you lose point

Some of them will be simple

Other more complex like the cow stuff of Hera

That's all that needed to be said about new ideas for the game, but we're not done yet

All that stuff is massive

They are like gigas and gigas of stuff

"I'll let you do what Subverse won't let you do"

But there is a big warning, huge, I will test these things:

Cleos Interactive, Hera Dates, Some events with "your way"

But if the game fails to attract enough of an audience to be considered " at level ", since it now has uniquenesses that others don't, it will be a hard hit for us.

I don't want to start churning out gigs and gigs of scenes and material only to see that we remain in the same situation, I would consider it a fatal blow to me

Also because will need a launcher, a server, and other stuff to "raise our level"

And I don't want you guys to download 15GB of games every week

Said those things, all that "test" will be in-game for the 0.54, 0.53 is full story events.

I want to reach the end of this phase and start the next one.

That said, my rest is almost at an end, well, like all the stuff above was made by someone else XD.

See you next week for my return and build 0.53 events.

Tell me what you think about all those new features.




It realy looks promising