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Sneak peeks time.

So guys, let's start with the simple things.

First, like I have said before, in order to place the events better and have more things to do, we will have the temporal addition of two more times, midnight and noon.

Secondly, due to the high demand for analsex, I started working on it, here's what in CoR will look like:

Thirdly, all the dialogue scenes inside the house and the missing girls' rooms have been completed.

Also, new scenes around the house, such as for Maeve in the garden.

Finally, Hell will be interactable

All the bugs found about the money are fixed

And all the new grammar corrections are done

Added also a new function to spend time with girls

Where you can talk to the girls, and I'm not joking

Lastly, here are some previews of upcoming events:

One last important thing,  0.51 arrives on 30 May(Early), will be the last attempt I try to accumulate hype, blame it on growth.




Excited, but don't burn out on deadlines. Quality work that you feel happy with, or which you feel is as complete as you can accomplish at a time is good. Don't ever let perfect be the enemy of good. Good can always get better, but trying to push perfect will never be good enough. Love your work, and have a great day!