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This poll is mainly aimed at you Patrons, would you prefer the bi-monthly releases or would you rather go back to weekly?



Twice a month gives bigger updates, and more time to get engrossed in the story. Plus more time for you to fine tune things and get the update the way you want vs rushing to make a weekly deadline.


Yea I like his idea I wanted to type the same in weekly you can only do 1-2 things and done but in bimonthly you can do a lot more


Today I learned that Bimonthly can mean either "twice a month" OR "once every two months." Isn't English just grand?


Yes I would like to see bigger updates so monthly is the way to go and be safe Zimon


Yeah, I wondered if that would confuse anyone. I only knew which he was referring to bc we had talked about it on the discord.


I agree on & with all these comments, I would personally as well like each update to include as much as possible so BI-MONTHLY is the way to go IMO. Also REALLY do love this/your game!


More time to plan and implement ideas would be better than just trying to cobble something together quickly to say at least there was something for the week. Helps to flesh out the story and what not instead of just reaching for the low hanging fruit.