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Guys, it's time to sum up this week, aren't you happy? Well, make yourselves comfortable and read carefully.

For this speech, I want to combine two things, the polls and the fact that this week I did a lot of research trying all the most famous games.

From the polls it is very clear the path that Champion has to take, the game has to become an open and alive world with many things to do, that can keep the player glued to it despite the main events are over.

How did I come to this conclusion? Obviously from the votes I received from the polls and from what I tried.

I won't go into details, also because you'll understand what I'm talking about from what I say, but I've noticed more than one thing. The first of all is the immense things to do even if the main game is over. The second is the interaction with the girls, which should not be limited to simple main and secondary events, but I have to make the game more interactive with them. The third? Well, when you have a fandom so attached that you disdain other games, there is nothing to do. The last one is that you can't control your luck.

How does all this apply to Champion?

I'll make you understand this by giving you an example: which one of you played FF13? Some liked it, others didn't, well, it had a big flaw, it was a very repetitive tunnel. If I look at Champion from the outside, I see more or less the same thing, since all you do is simply follow the story as if it was a tunnel. A difficult tunnel to follow when the hints are vague, but that's an old story, isn't it?

You might say, it's a VN, it's normal.

But I can tell you that although it is, we can have more.

What Champion need is a great ramification of things to do with a great interaction with the girls. But I don't want to leave our protagonist behind, in fact, I'm going to deepen him too.

And that was the first point of the evening.

The other speech is about dialogues, I know very well that my English is not the best, and consequently the structure of some speeches is wrong. For this reason, some guys offered to help me with the correction and improvement of the dialogues.

Any of you who would like to help with the correction of the dialogues, tell me, I am creating a private channel for proofreaders, with its own role and name in the game credits.

So this way we can create a better experience.

Thirdly, some people got worried when I wrote the announcement last time, thinking I was getting tired of developing the game.

Don't worry, that's not the case, in fact from tomorrow I'll resume the normal development routine for the release of the 0.30, even though I'm still in this white room.

I don't know if a week will be enough to bring all the necessary improvements, I will update you during the next week.

The last thing I want to talk about is the name of the game.

I had proposed an improvement to the name to help it grow and it would seem that the majority approved it.

So, starting now, I officially welcome you on "Champion of Realms".

Don't worry, take it as a new beginning, with the same but improved game.  I'd say I'm starting with the changes now. We're done for tonight, tell me what you think about it.




Can I get a link to the Discord?