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It's time to show some nice, warm sneaks.

Incoming build, 0.88, focusing mainly on the main story, actually, many builds from now on will only have a story focus.

The main reason why 0.86 and 0.87 have not had much to do with the fact that the story as a whole has undergone some definitions along the way, and this results in some cuts and unifications.

]But this is not the post in which to discuss it, let's start by showing you the new main menu, which should make you realise that in the next builds, hopefully before 0.90, this current story arc will end.

This is the new main menu, I have to make some minor adjustments, but in general it will be like this:

In this 0.88, my intention is to churn out 12 to 18 events, main story only, and if that number is not possible, at least let them be events big enough to reach the closure of the story arc properly.

Let's see some of them:

Time to deliver the register created by Cleos to Nyx.

"I don't trust that bitch, but if you have the money, we can make a deal."

"You're lucky today hoodie boy, even if this city doesn't want you a nuisance has still come to your rescue."
For main story that's enough for now, we'll wait the next sneak to see the results of the focus girl and focus zim.

Last thing, really small, I moved the active quest screen text to the right.

This way the screen is clean, before that text was overlapping on the images on the left side

See you in the next sneak for more incoming story.




Hola disculpa estoy un poco perdido


No he sabido donde descargar las últimas actualizaciones ... No me sale el link


0.87 aún está en fase inicial, se publicará en un par de días.