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Hey everyone, here are some big updates so be sure you read through them ^^


Charge Upfront:

Started on Wednesday- July 11, 2018, new patrons will be charged immediately upon pledging.

How this affects you:

  • New Patrons - New patrons will be charged on the day you become my patron, giving you the right to avail, request, and gain instant access to all content shared with your chosen reward tier. On the 1st of the following month, you will simply return to being charged monthly at the beginning of the month.
  • Existing Patrons - If you're already a patron of mine, then there's nothing worry about. You will be charged on the 1st of the next month like usual.

Reasons and Benefits:

  • New Patrons can get their requests fulfilled. Depending on your pledge, you can instantly request or avail the rewards intended for this month. For example: If you pledged in the middle of the month, you won't have to wait for next month when patreon processes payments for me to fulfill your reward requests.
  • Patrons will get their rewards quicker! Patrons can get instant access to rewards for the current month. For example: You won't have to wait 'til next month when the payments have been processed 'til your name can be shown across my videos/website/etc.
  • Patrons will not be able to sample patron-only content. When people become a patron, they have immediate access to my patron-only posts. Once they've seen it all, they can then choose to delete their pledge before they are charged at the beginning of next month. Which is quite unfair for those who do support me. So from now on with charge up front enabled, only paying patrons can view my "patron only" content.

Questions and Answers:

  • What happens if I increases my pledge amount? Patrons who increase their pledge amount will immediately be charged the difference between their previous pledge level and their new pledge level.
  • What happens if I decreases my pledge amount? Patrons who decrease their pledge amount will be charged the new amount on the 1st of the month. They will not be refunded anything.


New Reward Tiers:

I can't edit existing reward tiers so I had to make new ones. Don't worry, its only a small change ^^;

Tier $1 - Opal

  • Private videos
  • Exclusive WIPs BEFORE YouTube!
  • Upcoming plans and announcements
  • Access to LENS
  • Vote on my future projects (1pt)
  • Download 4K Hi-res jpg files of my art  
  • Download 2K60fps Hi-res video files
  • You'll be given a Patreon role on discord 
  • You'll be given an Opal Supporter role on discord  

All that, for $1! 

Tier $5 - Emerald 

  • All Opal rewards
  • Vote on my future projects (3pts)  
  • Your name at the end of my videos
  • Your name at my website
  • Non-complex motions download
  • You'll be given an Emerald Supporter role on discord

Tier $10 - Sapphire 

  • All Opal rewards 
  • All Emerald rewards 
  • Vote on my future projects (7pts)
  • Request a model
  • You'll be given a Sapphire Supporter role on discord 

Tier $20 - Ruby

I've transferred future motion dls here since the future motions I'm making are very complex ones and I'll be providing steps and tutorials on how to do them :3

  • All Opal rewards 
  • All Emerald rewards 
  • All Sapphire rewards 
  • Vote on my future projects (15pts)
  • Download Motion created for the month   
  • You'll be given a Ruby Supporter role on discord  


Discord Rewards:

I've connected and enabled discord rewards. I strongly advise to connect your discord and your patreon so you can automatically get the rewards.

My server: discord.me/levijones 

How do I receive my discord role? https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role- 



If you're a new patron, I will not be sending you the past rewards since it will be unfair to those early bird patrons. Instead you can get them from my digital shop

I've unpublished and will be deleting the following tiers. Please make sure to transfer to the new ones.

  • Tier $4.5 > Tier $5
  • Tier $9.5 > Tier $10
  • Tier $19.5 > Tier $20

Requesting a Model:

I'll make you one model per month on every month of your pledge. It could be your self model or any model in general as long as its applicable in TDA style. Send me the following details for your model so I can work on it. Via Discord or email: gender, hair color, hair length, eye color, accessories, etc



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