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We're thinking of making changes to Waistband Warriors in the coming month, and we want your feedback.

We have two main options: we can either keep the current system (whoever wins the fight continues to appear as a fighter every month) or revert back to the original one (two completely new girls each month, regardless of who wins the previous fight), which brings a bigger variety of characters but has the consequence of never seeing the winner get punished.

However, as we've said before, we're going to make sure both girls are embarrassed in some way during the fight, as long as the voting supports it! The more similar their scores are, the more undressed the winner will be.

We'll consider your responses and votes, and whatever you end up choosing, tier 2 and 3 subscribers will get access to a post where they'll be able to post their suggestions for fighters in the coming months.



I feel it’s better for it to revert to the old one. Some of the older fights didn’t make any sense on who won like Scarlet Vs Korra when Korra is stronger than Scarlet. But if it stays the same I wouldn’t be mad both options a very good.


While I agree that the fights don't make sense thematically (the characters usually have nothing in common), I think it's more fun to get you, the patrons, to decide who gets the wedgie. In that regard, I think both formats work, but I'd lie if I said I didn't like the older one better. In theory, the new one is exciting, but in practice, you're totally right: the fights feel more disjointed.


At this point it’s basically Simp. Lol but i can understand the majority of these battles happens seem to be reasonable. I’m voting for keeping the new one because I rather seem the get punished after karma. I will honestly be very surprised if Scarlet won for a very very long time.


Revert to the old one, cause now you get matchups where it’s a big stretch (no pun intended) for some of these characters to lose. Scarlet Witch can bend reality, how are most matchups supposed to beat that?