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Alright, this was a long time coming.

So, we're going to be moving Wedgie Wednesday to the weekends for the foreseeable future. Sonia and I have started our respective school years, and we're three times as busy as before. Especially me, being in my last year of college.

I've decided it's not healthy to try to overwork myself over the week to try to get these released in time every month, considering we also depend on 5 other artists that may or may not be overworked too. I've realized I kinda need to stay until late to make sure everything works out, now that I also have a real life work that I need to take care of. We're going to calm down, chill out for a few months, and see how this works out. 

I know this kind of makes the name of the zine a bit meaningless, but due to the timezone I'm in I doubt I'll be able to get home from school, then go to work, and then rush home to finish every issue in time the 3rd Wednesday of each month. So, for the time being, we'll drop every new issue on the 3rd or 4th weekend of the month (around the 20-25).

That said, look forward to this month's issue! It will drop sometime this weekend, as I'm sure you've all understood by now. We sincerely thank you for your patience and your support, and we hope this isn't too much of a bummer for anyone! After all, we'll still be posting once a month with the same content.

Thanks, everyone. Danger out.


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