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We have two ideas for this year's May issue, and since both seem equally good and exciting, we've decided to present them to our Tier 2 and 3 subscribers so the readers can decide what they want.

The first idea is to focus on mother figures and actual mothers, since May 6 is mother's day. It's a bit more straight-forward, but there are A TON of mom characters that lack wedgie content, so this can be exciting.

The second is a bit more complex: it's based around the idea of finals, which usually happen around this time of the year, and how bullies and nerds deal with them. The idea is to show off a few traditional bully-nerd pairs.

The twist, though, will come in September: once school begins again, these nerds will get their revenge on their bullies. All of the stories for Issue 20 would have direct continuations on the September issue, which all of the bullied nerds getting their revenge (including the characters from the cover, the guest artist, etc). If this is not picked, we may either save it for next year or simply do a "revenge of the nerds" themed issue for September anyway.

You have 24 hours to decide which idea we'll be going for!


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