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Hello everyone!

I'm afraid I must inform that this issue of WW will have to be delayed until the end of this week. Several keys from my keyboard have stopped working again, and I haven't been able to finish the zine in time. Since last time this happened was around September, I believed it fixed, but it appears it has come back and I need to go back home to fetch my wireless keyboard. I'm currently copypasting my way through this post to make up for the keys that are not working, which is hard by itself because the ctrl key is not working either.

Additionally, none of the guest artists contacted for this month have replied to our messages (after 3 weeks) so this issue will likely not have a guest artist. However, we will have 2 of them for next issue to compensate.

Thanks for your patience and your continued patronage!


John Mick

Willco good buddy.


Any chance I can recommend some artists?