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Mirror for those who can't download the attachment: https://sta.sh/020soccil1g5


Kilo gramme

Does this not work for anyone else?


Same, it keeps saying the file can't be opened whenever I try downloading it


Strange, I always double-check and it works perfectly for me. I will post a mirror to my sta.sh so you can download it, don't worry.


I just added a mirror for those who can't download it from the attachment. Thanks for notifying us of the problem.

Jay Sherman

The mirror also doesn't work :( I just checked last months issue link and that one's fine


Try this one https://sta.sh/01iy7gcbnxuu I've re-combined the files into a pdf just in case, but other people (myself included) can download and view it just fine.

Kilo gramme

Keeps saying the page doesn't exist and no preview available on Stash, I tried both links... the others have all worked fine so I don't know why this isn't working for me...


There is no preview available because it's a .pdf. Is there not a download button in the sta.sh link?

Kilo gramme

The download just tells me takes me to "Oops there's no page here" thing


Alright, then if that's OK with you I will send you an email with the .pdf attached to it. Is that alright?