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In our launch video I said we would make a post every single day, obviously we have missed a few days. I more so intended for that to mean we would post "something" every day (discord post, picture, etc) We want to do our best to insure that your $5 is getting you something of value, so I don't like the idea of just shit posting on here to fill a quota, and producing daily "quality" content for the Patreon while also still making content for the channel is not really doable. So expect the posting frequency for Patreon videos to be more around one every other day, mostly just clips of future videos or behind the scenes things, and at least 2 fully exclusive Patreon videos like "Hot Guys Top 5's" every month. How's that sound boys? (and girl)

Once again though, thanks for the support. You have no idea how much it helps us! New patreon video coming later today!



Ooga booga


Bro, even your shit post videos are entertainment to us. Remember what audience you raised lmao