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The Dark Embrace is a real technical challenge for me: I'm going to have to model tentacles in a credible way in a dreamlike environment, and that's really something new that's giving me headaches (to say the least).

Due to the production time involved, I've decided to share with you a first render test with tentacles in scene #01 (this is a test, nothing to do with scene #01).

Let me know what you think ;)




Looks like it's going to be visually beautiful


So. Many. Splines!!! This looks really good so far; you're doing an excellent job of wrangling all those curves! Edit to add: you *can* use softbody physics on curves in Blender, but you can't anchor any of the points. If you just need a tentacle to drape on something and you don't need the ends of the tentacle to be visible, it could be useful in that specific scenario.