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Hi everyone!

The results are in 42% of you chose story no. 3:


Story 3 :

An announcement on a billboard: "A wild Minotaur is wreaking havoc in the area. 1000 gold coins have been promised to those who stop the creature before it destroys everything".

"those?!" exclaims the orc loudly. And he sets off alone in pursuit of this cow (the orc's words... but we wonder who's going to play the cow and the bull...).

What could happen if the minotaur fell in love with the orc?

Number of paths : 2

Fetish : different size, domination, cumflation, good end (defeat, cumflation), bad end (defeat, cumflation, mpreg implicite, milking, farm, mate, cow)


Thank you all for voting, I can't wait to publish the first works of this exciting image series!

