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Hi everyone.

For the sake of transparency, I had to inform you of this change for the April publications.

On April 19, I was told that a member of my family was admitted to hospital due to respiratory distress ... This is my 57-year-old uncle ...

This morning, April 21, I received a message informing me that my uncle had died of COVID19 ...

The crazy thing is that my uncle seemed to be suffering from a respiratory problem for a few days already, but nothing serious, and in just two days his condition suddenly worsened!

I do not hide from you my sadness at this event that I find it difficult to accept.

Last month I had to euthanize my cat because of an impossible to remove bone tumor, and now this ... it's really hard to accept and it affects me a lot.

Despite all this, I try to keep my head on my shoulders ...

Therefore, I apologize for the unexpected change of programs, I had for objective to finish the story of "An orc under the tree" by posting pictures 26 to 40, but due to the to arrive from my family at home a week, for organize my uncle's funeral on April 28th, I will be able to post only images 26 to 31 which will be available in the April package that I will send on the 6th May at "level2" and "level3".

Regardless, COVID is still present, so continue to protect yourself with masks and washing your hands ... and if you can, get vaccinated! I do not wish you to experience the loss of a loved one.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones.




My condolences, I'm sorry for your loss!


So sorry to hear that! Stay safe man, sorry for both your losses 😔


Sorry for your loss. I hope everything with the family goes smoothly. Hugs


Sorry four you. Have a you of your own. Great best.


Please, take care of yourself and your family. We can wait.


Oh dear. :( That is unpleasant news indeed! Definitely take some time, we understand.


My condolences to you and your family, Etan. I hope you find comfort in sharing good memories of your uncle with your family.