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Hey All!

First of all I wish you all a very happy new year 2021 and I sincerely hope that it will be better than the year 2020.

As you know, for various reasons, I was not very active during the month of December, which caused delays on Christmas plans, therefore here is what I planned to publish for the first month of the year 2021:

- A little kiss for 2021 : Kurdan welcomes 2021 with a smile, while Gor'Zak ... has decided to pull out his hammer... (Kurdan is my first character create with Daz3D, he had flaws that needed to be corrected. Over time I was able to learn to use various modeling tools which have helped me a lot to improve the body of your favorite Orc. But I didn't stop there ... I also reworked Kurdan's beard, the skin textures...)

- An Orc under the tree: A small series of images on the theme of the new year, with the big green Orc Boruk who was invited to celebrate the new year dear Jonathan, the young man has met Boruk on Halloween night under special circumstances ... It's even stranger when you know the big Orc is a very lonely ... and brutal creature.

- It's Time: The time has come for Dragon to deliver the fruit of his loves with the great Orc Boulder.

- The Full Belly Inn : The continuation of the adventures of Kurdan and Gor'Zak. The brown Orc does not seem to be done with the green orc...

From February (if there is no change in my situation ...) :

- GymClub - Personnal Trainer : We take the story of Christopher where it left off. On the last scene, Christopher undresses to go take a shower. But in the shadow of the locker room, someone seems interested in the human.

- Free Service : When a piece of choice is in sight of a half-Orc very excited, and a sign says "Free to use" next to a magnificent tiger, no need to tell him twice to go... The continuation of Leto and Thorock's adventures is on its way.

As usual, various works can be added to the main works.

I hope you are excited to discover all of this :D

Thank you very much for your support and your trust.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones.




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