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What does April remind you of? Rabbits ? Eggs ? Belly full ?!

This year I decided that YOU will be my source of inspiration for a new original scene.

To participate it's very simple, add a comment below and tell me : 

- The background of the scene.

- The character(s) you want (no more than three ===> I have not yet bought a Nasa computer for create renderings), 

- Details of poses and scène with maybe a fetish?

You have until Monday 16 to submit your ideas. 

Pass on March 16, two scenarios are possible: I choose an idea proposed by a person, or I mix several ideas to make a scene.

 At your keyboards! 




Nobody has an idea to propose? :P Otherwise I have one but I think that doing a work by combining the ideas of each one would have made it possible to do something original.


Well I don't have a lot of details but an idea would be something in the "pup" scene. Background being a leather night club, Characters be one of the Orcs/ogre as the Dom with the human or half orc as the pup. I was going to type it up a lot better before submitting But it's something.


I’d like to see some big bellies full of eggs. An orc and a human.

Zack Yost

Anything Mpreg birth is gratefully appreciated!! 😍😍


How about a gets hooked up to an incubator. And we watch his belly fill and grow 😍


Wow, I apparently missed a ton latleyish! Well hrm. This is tricky, since I generally like your stuff but don't have a wishlist or something, heh, so anything that happens is likely to be good for me. Characters, I like your orcs a lot. And Kurdan is staring at me, haha, so maybe Kurdan? Not sure who to tag with him, though. I like the theme of him protecting - shielding someone against a threat or foe. And for fetish, how about briefs? They don't need to be covering maleness nor do they need to remain on (Although they /could/ be!), just have them be present and around and I'll be happy. Of course, anything that pops in will be good, heh, I'm curious how this'll turn out!