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The woods were always a dangerous place. Wild beasts, bandits, cultists. But foraging was a job that paid well and didn't need all to much skill. Just a good eye and the ability to not sorry about getting dirt under one's claws. But the Khajiit had not expected for someone to sneak up behind him and club him over the head while he was busy picking flowers.

The dark furred feline woke up a few hours later, the back of his head throbbing. From the window of his apparent cell it was clear that night had come, though how deeply it was here was unknown to J’zargo. He tried to get up to take a better look but found himself in chains. The one round his neck like a leash bothered him the most. Slavery was outlawed in Tamriel but still there were Dunmer who practiced the custom. J’zargo heard footsteps outside his cell, wondering what would come through that door.

Before he had any time to think on his predicament the feline let out a shriek as the door to his cell swung open and a mountain of a orc stepped through. Now orcs weren't known for being small in any respect but this green monster was enormous. He also happened to be nude and dripping with sweat. His smile only widened as he watched the Khajit drink in the reality of was about to happen. J’zargo’s eyes had been squarely centered on that orcs dick. J’zargo would not lie that he preferred men over women. But this orc...that cannon between his legs was the biggest he had seen on a human. Hell some horses might of been envious of this orc. And the girth of it...gods it looked thicker than those muscular arms of the orc!

“Grogg is glad he pleases the Khajiit.” The orc walked over to J’zargo and grabbed the back of that furry black head and shoved it against the orcs nuts, J’zargo breathing in that overpowering scent of pure manliness. “Ah...Grogg like the feel of you fur against his skin.” J’zargo tried to pull away but Grogg’s massive mitt was keeping that cat right where he was, his nose buried in those massive nuts. Grogg yanked on that leash of the  Khajiit, forcing him up onto his legs. The orc pressed his body against J’zargo’s, the feline finding himself being crushed under all that muscle and fat.
“W-w-why am I here? What do you want from me? Money? I don't have a lot but I'll give wh-” J’zargo found himself silenced as Grogg roughly locked lips with the feline, the cat trying to turn his head away. But Grogg just tugged on that leash as he roughly made out with the ebony furred captive, J’zargo coughing roughy as he gasped for air and collapsed on the ground when the orc finally stopped his assault.

“Grogg need mate. Been too long since Grogg has blown his load. Lucky you came along…” Grogg kneeled down and looked at J’zargo, their eyes locking a for a few moments. “N-n-no! Just let me go...please for the Eight Divines let me go.” J’zargo was crying a bit it seemed. Grogg let his finger gently wipe those tears away. Then the orc stood, letting that massive length throb in front of the feline. “You suck now. Maybe Grogg shall release you if you do a good job hhm? Now suck my meat slave.” J’zargo could tell be the sound of the orcs voice that he better not refuse. But good god that prick was so damn big. J’zargo licked the tip a few times, his rough tongue making that orc purr a bit.”Mmm...you good mate. But slow.” J’zargo tried to retort but he found that length being speared into his throat, the felines gag reflex futilely trying to cough that cock that so painfully stretched the Khajiit throat. His whole body was screaming in pain and confusion, J’zargo reacting as any cat would and clawing the orc on the leg. The cat soon found his throat was now clear as Grogg pulled back. The hairy beast of a man looked at his leg and only smirked as he looked at the minor wound.

“Khajiit has some spirit! Good, good.” J’zargo was shaking from what had just happened, his throat aching so much. Grogg only added to that pain as he wrapped his hand around the felines neck and lifted him clear off the ground, letting him dangle in mid-air, clawing desperately at the orc. “Grogg likes fighters. Means your good breeding stock. But you are beaten little warrior fuzz. If I wanted I could snap your neck as easy as it is for me to take a breath. So I give you one last chance. You accept Grogg’s affection...or you earn Grogg’s ire. Does Khajiit understand?” J’zargo’s weakly nodded before he found himself once again on the floor, that totem pole of a penis pressing against the cat’s face.”Suck. You claw, you dead.” J’zargo felt so defeated and humiliated as he opened his mouth like a baby bird waiting to be fed. Again that cock was jammed into his throat. Grogg was the one doing most of the work, pumping his hips over and over as he let out pleasured grunts and groans. J’zargo did his best to try and think of something else, anything else than what was going on. But his fantasy refuge was quickly shattered as he felt that cock pop out of his mouth and unload a few gushes of burning hot seed, his chest and fact soaked with pungent orc spunk.

“Haaa...don’t worry Grogg got plenty more where that came from. You in for a long night…” 

For the next few hours J’zargo was molested and abused in ways he would dare not even wish upon his greatest enemies. It had all blurred together, J’zargo drunk on a cocktail of pain, lust and his will to live. When Grogg penetrated that unlubed rear of the Khajiit J’zargo wished he would black out. That someone would show some mercy on him. But as the orc bred that plump rear of J’zargo’s like a stallion the Khajiit began to accept the fact he was no longer a free man. He was property to be used as his master so wished.

Grogg threw his head back as his bottomed out in his new mate innards, J’zargo groaning out in pain as he felt what seemed like gallons of seed stretch his intestines to some much that his gut now pressed against that cold stone floor. Grogg gave a few licks to the back of the feline before pulling out, grabbing that leash and yanking the ebony cat onto his knees, some of that seed oozing out of J’zargo’s broken in asshole. J’zargo then felt those still heavy balls rest on his shoulder whole that dripping dick was laid atop his head, small ropes of cum still shooting out from the orc here and there and giving the cat white stripes of cum against his dark fur.

“Grogg did good..been a while since I've had a mate! And you took so much of Grogg’s seed...you will be fat with child soon!” J’zargo ran his hands over his distended belly in shock. “What...what do you mean fat with child!?” Grogg let out a hearty laugh as he tugged on that leash. “Grogg put many babies inside you! Grogg own you! In a few weeks you'll be even bigger..in a few months so huge with child you might not be able to walk. But Grogg will be here to help. Khajiit will learn to love the gift Grogg has given you. Have many babies for Grogg!” J’zargo couldn't believe what he was hearing. He wanted to question the orcs sanity but the sheer amount of seed rolling around inside his belly made him wonder if in fact Grogg had impregnated the male Khajiit.

“Grogg never get cat's name. You want to give to Grogg?”

“...J’zargo.” nothing was willingly given except for the cat's name that night. But he knew life as he knew it was now over. As Grogg would say “You Grogg’s mate now!”.  


This incredible work has been done for Marcoh_A._Cortez 



Zeeb The Werebear (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-02 11:42:52 That might might be the hottest thing I have seen and read. <3
2018-06-10 06:18:45 That might might be the hottest thing I have seen and read. <3

That might might be the hottest thing I have seen and read. <3