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2016, 2017 and now 2018.

The years pass and with them my skills improves, but I have no merits because it's thanks to you!

Thanks to your support, your encouragements, our exchanges on tumblr, furaffinity and Patreon, I keep the motivations to continue to offer you a quality work and this in spite of the difficulties that I met during this year 2017.

Difficulties will you tell me? But what are they?

I have long hesitated to talk about it because it is about my private life ... but after all, you trust me so it is legitimate that I do the same:

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and I had a lot of trouble accepting it because I have a healthy lifestyle. Apparently, according to the doctors, the stress could be one of the factors favoring the appearance of this incurable disease (damn).

Pass the acceptance step of the disease, then comes the step of balancing diabetes. I can tell you that today my HBA1C is 6, which is pretty good, but it was not without sacrifices.

In spite of this parenthesis, I keep up the morale thanks to your encouragements and those of my colleagues, friends and my family.

For this year 2018, I will continue to improve my skills in 3D and video editing to offer you an ever more qualitative work. By the way, I hope to complete my video project "Demon" while improving my productivity for future projects.

Here is my new resolution for the year 2018. And you? what will they be?

I wish you all a wonderful new years 2018!






Happy New Year to you too. I'm sorry to hear about you getting type 1 diabetes, but I am glad you are pushing through it and keeping your A1C controlled. Keep up the good work on your health and art. We are all here for you.