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Kurdan was hurrying ahead of the younger orc to try and wrap his head around what was going on. Here he was with his best friends so...And that son was butt naked with an erection that would make most orcs greener with envy.

The sun started setting as the forest began to take on a new forms as the trees cast their shadows on the forest floor. The beauty of the moment was lost on Hark’zin though, the orc “boy” was getting a tad bit impatient, what with that erection hanging between his legs for what felt like ages, throbbing and dripping pre onto the leaves crumpling under his feet.

Kurdan was so lost in his own head about this predicament he was in that he didn't hear the young orc clumsily sneaking up behind him.

He turned around just in time to see Hark’zin slam his body against the older orc, pinning him against a tree. Kurdan let out a growl as his instincts kicked in, one hand grappling with the Hark’zin right hand while the other tried to wriggled out of that young orcs grip.

“Boy I ain't your damn prey! I've watched you grow up and…” Kurdan soon lost any motivation to talk as that young flesh colored orc pressed his body against the older green orcs. Hark’zin just had a wicked smile as he watched the older orc go wide eyed as the boy pressed his body against Kurdan’s. Kurdan felt that meat of the boys wedged against those green abs of Kurdan's. He looked down at it, seeing it spurt a bit a pre onto the orcs chest.

Kurdan quickly shot his head back up as he looked at the boy he had helped raised who was now very clearly a man. Hark’zin said nothing as that hand that was wrestling with Kurdan’s left hand slipped out of the now limp grip of the orc and finally got to hold his mentor and idol in a way he had wanted to for years now. Kurdan closed his eyes and let out a moan as he felt that soft hand of the younger orcs grip around Kurdan’s rather impressive green length and gently stroked that cock, Hark’zin letting out a chuckle as he felt the green orc gently hump into his hand.

Kurdan felt all that conflict, all that guilt, wash away as he looked into those firey eyes of the boy. No...He wasn't a boy anymore. He was a man. And man who had tracked and trapped his prey. Kurdan was more than happy to be caught by the son of Mak’ni and Zor. His body relaxed as he locked eyes with that beautiful man. Hark’zin let out a little grunt of approval as he felt Kurdan spread his legs even more to the new hunter better access to his prize… 


English translation by "Makn'i and Zor".




isn't that dangerous with those spikes there?


Omg yesssssss

Rufus Hengald (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-02 12:02:16 Will there be a sequel to this? I love to see these two together <3
2021-11-19 10:37:10 Will there be a sequel to this? I love to see these two together <3

Will there be a sequel to this? I love to see these two together <3