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Hello Patrons!

I’m writing to let you know that we have recently posted an update to our Patreon rewards.

Please go check them out here (https://www.patreon.com/commandzone/membership) at your earliest convenience. The changes are not major but we did remove a couple of perks that very few people were taking advantage of while adding some new rewards that we think will be more popular.

I want to give a big thanks to everyone who took the time to answer the poll questions we posted a few days ago and to those who added comments or sent us emails and direct messages with their thoughts. We found it extremely helpful to get those insights from you, our biggest supporters. It really helped to inform the direction we should take.

One of the biggest pieces of feedback we received was that you all just want MORE content. And that’s amazing! Every creator’s dream is simply that people want to watch their stuff.

So we’re going to pledge to start creating EXTRA BONUS VIDEOS once we hit our goal of 3500 total patrons. Those bonus videos will also be marked as “Brought to You By Our Patrons” and will be… well, let me pause there real quick.

Here’s the thing: a mistake I think we’ve made in the past is feeling the need to be too specific regarding exactly what we’re going to do or create and when exactly it’ll happen, etc. This has caused us to lock ourselves into plans and projects before we really even knew if they were good ideas or not. So this time we want to be a little more flexible.

We’ve got A LOT of cool ideas for content we’d like to make. Or at least try to make. One of the things about cool ideas is that they tend to be experimental. Innovative. Stuff where you’re not even 100% sure you can pull it off. Most of our best content (Game Knights, anyone?) has come through this process of pushing the envelope. So we're going to test some things out with you.

Maybe we’ll make an animated show, or a sitcom, or do a multi-episode Commander tournament, or reveal more of what’s happening behind-the-scenes…seriously, we have a thousand ideas. We spent our lunch hour yesterday trying to come up with an Iron Chef style show but for deck brewing. So who knows? We’re gonna make new stuff and if you like it, then we’ll make more. And if you don’t (or we don’t) then we’ll move on to another idea.

If that sounds like a process you’d like to support and be a part of, we’d encourage you to think about moving up a tier or maybe clicking that “pay annually” button.  But no pressure, any level of contribution is incredibly helpful and we deeply appreciate it.

The long and the short of it is that we wanna make more things that you’ll love and we need your help to do it. Thank you for all of your support so far and we can’t wait to see where it takes us next.



P.S. You Rock!!!



More budget content would be great!


A multiple ep commander tournament?! Let's go Command Zone team!!❤️❤️❤️