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Hey everyone! This week was a fun episode that Josh took lead on - it's your one stop shop for learning how to never build a bad commander deck again! Seriously. We go through all of our analysis on how to correctly ration out your card slots for the deck essentials in EDH, and also talk in depth about how to overcome overlap and make it all fit!

Also, if you missed yesterday's post, we announced our first piece of Command Zone/Collected.Company merchandise: a playmat! Learn more here:


Thanks everyone!
- Jimmy & Josh


Show Notes:

Deck building in EDH can be a daunting task, especially early in your Commander career! Today we're tackling how to approach each EDH deck with a basic template when brewing.

What We Mentioned on the Show:
EDH Essential Cards: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/commander-edh-starter-deck-the-essentials/
Card Advantage and Card Draw episode: https://collected.company/2016/10/18/card-draw-card-advantage-127/
Mana Base episodes: https://collected.company/2015/04/07/mana-bases-part-12-39/ and https://collected.company/2015/04/09/mana-bases-part-22-40/
Prof’s Mana Base Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DSddyFCqPk
Quadrant Theory episode: https://collected.company/2014/09/02/card-evaluation-animar-with-marshall-sutcliffe-9/

What We Mentioned on the End Step:
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild




This episode was excellent! One of the main reasons I continue to watch you guys every episode is I always end up learning something new. It could be a card I wasn't quite familiar with or just a way of thinking while building a deck. Thank you both for your well thought out information and opinions :)


We're glad your continuing to learn along with us! Thanks for letting us know -JLK


I have been waiting for an episode like this - and analyzed 6 of my decks tonight. After working through them, I realized that I needed another category: cards that protect my plan. They don't enable or enhance it, but they stop others from interfering. I basically ask what another player could do to ruin me - (Elesh norn v tokens, Erebos vs Oloro )- and add some flexible responses - like utter end over hero's downfall to exile gods. In blue these might be counter spell or synthetic destiny, in white - replenish or righteous aura, in green - relapsing melody, or in red - cauldron of souls (cause there are no good red cards).


Great episode guys! I have been doing a similar method of deckbuilding for ages. I adopted the card "value" you find in other formats ie. how much a card is worth. When cards fill multiple roles, they are counted as being worth 1.5, 2 cards etc. The goal being trying to maximise the number of cards in your deck. Really good way to cut those extra cards down to 99


Also need to ask the important questions to evaluate whether the decklist will synergise well or not Who- Who is your commander and what is its limitations? "Who's your daddy and what does he do?", Arnold Schwarzenegger What- What is the deck's overall goal/ strategy (Archetype) When- what speed do you cast your spells? are you more proactive or reactive/ how mana hungry are you and when do you need to cast spells by? (this affects your CMC curve/ how much mana should you hold up?) Where- What zones are you trying to interact with (battlefield/ grave/ exile) Why- This applies to your meta and meta based decisions How- This is your deck list. How do you plan to win and how you interact with the table


Great episode, extremely helpful (and therefore appreciated) to me as a new EDH player. I still have one problem though, how to find cards to put in to my deck. Being a player returning to Magic after almost 20 years without playing, the only sets I somewhat know are Kaladesh and Aether Revolt. Wanting to build a deck with Rhys the Redeemed as commander, I don't really know how to go about to find the removal, card draw and ramp needed. Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


Some good resources are EDHREC and Gatherer. They can help you build a bunch of options and then you can narrow it down using the philosophies from the template episode. -JLK