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Commander Legends looks awesome overall, but a couple of the card designs are causing some concern in the community. On this special mini-sode, Jimmy and JLK discuss Opposition Agent and Jeweled Lotus and go over what they think about these controversial new cards.


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Commander Legends - Are These Design Mistakes? | The Command Zone #360 | Magic: The Gathering EDH

Support the show and become a Patron! Be a part of our community, receive awesome rewards, and more! http://www.patreon.com/commandzone ---------- Show Notes: Commander Legends looks awesome overall, but a couple of the card designs are causing some concern in the community. On this special mini-sode, Jimmy and JLK discuss Opposition Agent and Jeweled Lotus and go over what they think about these controversial new cards. ---------- The Command Zone podcast is brought to you by Card Kingdom! Make sure to use our affiliate link when ordering Magic cards, accessories and more: http://www.cardkingdom.com/commandzone Huge thanks to UltraPro (https://instagram.com/ultraprointl/) for sponsoring this episode and providing awesome prizes for our giveaways. Be sure to check out their new PRO GLOSS sleeves and MYTHIC COLLECTION deck boxes. Find UltraPro: Facebook: https://facebook.com/ultraProInternational/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ultraProIntl ---------- Follow us on Instagram: @CommandCast Follow us on Twitter: @CommandCast @JoshLeeKwai @jfwong Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommandCast/ Email us: commandzonecast@gmail.com ---------- Huge thanks to Geoffrey Palmer the awesome Living Cards animations. Follow him here: https://twitter.com/livingcardsmtg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIuqWt79_d0hUK-dRhzFtAQ Commander/EDH Official Rules, Banlist, and more: https://mtgcommander.net/



I wouldn't really complain too much with Opposition Agent or Jeweled Lotus, mostly cause even though it either speeds up or messes up anybody who is facing it. I would say that since the creator created these cards it now based on your choice to either be fair to the people your playing commander with, or just say forget it and try to win and just drop friends who may or may not want to fight you anymore. In a game of Commander, You would like to have fun with friends and show some crazy combo or tricky risk it moves, which maybe the reason I don't think about winning much when it comes to creating decks. But I would say For Opposition Agent and Jeweled Lotus are not design mistakes, there just creators ideas being giving to the people who could either use it for good or evil. By the way before I forget, Those cards make the game to easy and boring to me, seeing a deck able to play combos put more interest to my mind then just shutting you down early.


Solid episode guys, I’ve been waiting to hear your opinions on the Lotus. I’m definitely not very excited to see new fast mana, but I’m happy you guys addressed it the way you did. Being as prominent in the community as you are, hopefully WOTC listens and chills on the fast mana for a while.


I honestly don’t think Jeweled Lotus is as bad as everyone is making it out to be. Yes, it ramps you to some really powerful commanders early in the game.. BUT, you have to sacrifice it after using it once. Cheap removal as you guys said. Honestly I look at Commander in a mathematical sense when it comes to ONE card. You have a 7% chance of drawing this card in your opening hand, so in those 7 out of 100 games we play.. you deserve to have that early pop off and I personally enjoy watching decks move like well oiled machines! Haha just my opinion, but then again.. I love powerful cards haha great episode fellas!!


Well, it’s technically a bit over 8% (since everyone draws a card on their first turn and the deck has 99 cards in it). And there are multiple players. So, if everyone is playing it in their deck, then SOMEONE is going to start the game with it like 28% of the time. That’s more than 1 in 4 games. -JLK


To Josh, Jimmy and the Crew: Great episode. Here are my thoughts and I'm sorry if I'm echoing some of what has already been said: I think this comes down to the two considerations: Style vs Substance and Power vs Subtlety. All three of these cards lean heavy on the Style/Power end of the curve. This makes them traps for deck builders. There is a concept from Germanic Swordfighting that is that certain "Masters Maneuvers" are the hallmark of the novice and the master but never used by the intermediate. They are the strikes that are simple to learn, but impossible to master as using them at the wrong time is a great way to die on your feet. Thoughts on Opposition Agent and Hullbreacher: Both should be white. They are solidly in White's mechanical slice of the color pie and give white something it sorely needs. But outside that, both are aggressively costed and shut down major parts of competitive strategies. Were these cards built for legacy and not commander? I tend to believe so as they seem to be better focused on fast 1v1 play even if they do hit everybody at the table. Will they warp the format? Probably not. They will see alot of cEDH play, but on the casual side the amount they get hated off the table will make people sideline them unless forced draws or forced deck search is a goal of the decks. Jeweled Lotus is a trap. It'll speed up a number of decks if drawn in the first round, but we are going to see it thrown into alot of decks and quickly swapped for something that is more useful. What is more useful than free mana? Well when it comes with commander casting as it's restriction, alot of things. We will see it in artifact decks, cEDH decks, and that one guy at the LGS who totally has that turn 1 KO, guys, especially if he gets these exact 7 cards. I even run a Kykar deck as my top power level deck and I'm not convinced it'll make enough of a difference: a 0 cost artifact can get me a spirit, and the turn 0 mana can maybe get Kykar out turn 2 (maybe) but I'd rather a lotus petal as I'd get the exact same mileage out of that $10 card than I would out of this $150 card, maybe more so later in the game. Also, I wouldn't have had such a problem with these if they finished the cycle and given each color a Hullbreacher/Opposition agent type card. Though maybe not for green. Green doesn't need the help. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on Green, it's just probably in the most solid place for commander and could use a few sets of being side lined. If next year's commander decks left out green and gave us a Black White vs a Red Blue Deck or some other combination I wouldn't have a problem with that.


I have post this other places as well. I think this card is very broken in Muldrotha and Daretti specifically because of how easy those can can reuse this card. Personally, I don't plan on running any jeweled lotuses in any of my 10 commander decks. I think it is a powerful card but only for certain decks in my opinion. I am planning on buying some boxes of commander legends but if I open any jeweled lotuses i plan on selling them.


Commander Legends is going to totally change the game of Commander. All of these awesome cards I hadn't picked up yet will potentially be available to me in my sealed boosters (I know, I could just buy singles, but where is the fun in that :)). I'm going to have to take apart so many decks and make new ones for partner mechanics, and other synergies. And it is EXCITING! It feels like when I started playing Commander in 2014 all over again.