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Show Notes:

Magic’s latest Core Set – M20 – is almost here! Jimmy and Josh go over all the new legendary creatures and then discuss which cards they think will make the biggest impact in Commander. Are there any spicy new effects for your favorite decks? Listen and find out!


What we talked about on THE END STEP:

Team Fight Tactics:




M20 Set Review l The Command Zone #274 l Magic: the Gathering EDH

Support the show and become a Patron! Be a part of our community, receive awesome rewards, and more! http://www.patreon.com/commandzone ---------- Show Notes: Magic’s latest Core Set – M20 – is almost here! Jimmy and Josh go over all the new legendary creatures and then discuss which cards they think will make the biggest impact in Commander. Are there any spicy new effects for your favorite decks? Listen and find out! ---------- The Command Zone podcast is brought to you by Card Kingdom! Make sure to use our affiliate link the next time you purchase Magic cards or products: http://www.cardkingdom.com/commandzone Huge thanks to UltraPro (http://www.ultrapro.com - @UltraProIntl) for sponsoring this episode and providing awesome prizes for our giveaways! Find UltraPro on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UltraProInternational/ Purchase a Game Knights t-shirt (available for a limited time): http://bit.ly/GKShirt ---------- What we talked about on THE END STEP: Team Fight Tactics: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/gameplay/teamfight-tactics ---------- Follow us on Twitter! @CommandCast @JoshLeeKwai @jfwong Email us: commandzonecast@gmail.com ---------- Huge thanks to Geoffrey Palmer for providing some of his amazing Living Cards animations for our videos. Follow him here: https://twitter.com/livingcardsmtg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIuqWt79_d0hUK-dRhzFtAQ Check out our sister podcast - The Masters of Modern: http://collected.company/category/the-masters-of-modern/ Commander/EDH Official Rules, Banlist, Forums, and more: http://mtgcommander.net/rules.php



This set looks so strong. I'm gonna have to buy double the boxes this release.


I might be incorrect, but did you guys forget to talk about Vivien?


Stopped watching after legendary creatures because the app’s YouTube emulator is just a pain sometimes, had to restart three times. Few notes, longish but hope it’s interesting/helpful: For sneak attack + Rienne both have delayed trigger for the *beginning* of the *next* end step. This means if you use sneak attack to cheat creatures into play the delayed trigger on sneak attack won’t happen until after that turn’s end step has already begun, so Rienne doesn’t trigger until that time. So you won’t get the creature back until the beginning of the end step after that. In a four person pod this limits you to abusing the same creature twice in a turn cycle not four times. Still strong, but a bit more wombo than combo as described in video. I think a card that *really* should have been mentioned for Artemsis is curiosity. Enchant Artemsis, activate their ability. Draw two, discard one, resolve curiosity ping triggers, potentially kill two players. 1 mana and don’t have to worry about another creature to give haste too/wait for summoning sickness to wear off. I’d also like to note that Kykar is 100% a storm commander. Even without him on field Jeskai Storm is extremely strong and then getting Kykar into play is like throwing an energizer in; helps you keep going, and going, and going, and going, and going... until you find your storm outlet like Aetherflux. To me that’s far stronger than a panharmonicon in command zone, though to Yarok’s defense they have access to the strongest three color combo for EDH while Kykar has two of the weaker colors. Though one of those is particularly strong for storm soooo... On the CompetitiveEDH subreddit both Golos and Omnath are discussed as food chain commanders, though Omnath is a bit more of a shoehorn to try and make a cEDH deck of him IMO. Seems better to run Voltron/lands matter putting his +1/+1 counters on Omnath for one big swol boi since in food chain he’s mostly just colors. Some say Golos is going to replace Niv-reborn for food chain even after Niv-reborn just replaced Tazuri. Golos just becomes an engine to dig for food chain and once you have infinite mana get whatever your wincon is. Know cEDH isn’t your focus but if you’re gonna compare to a past tier 1 deck might as well bring up what people are saying might actually make Golos tier 1 himself.


We we just spaced it. Probably because we don't think she's very good :-P -JLK


Ah yes, Curiosity is a good call. Unfortunately, we didn't think of it. Apologies. -JLK


Hey guys! Really appreciate all the work that goes into these, especially with WotC’s current release schedule. At 1:10 ish in the conversation about Repeated Reverberation you seemed to imply that it could help get your Planeswalkers into ultimate range more efficiently; but adding Loyalty counters is a cost not an effect so that shouldn’t work. Not 100% sure if that’s what you meant, but I’d thought I’d mention it in case.


Hey Gents, been happily chipping in for a while...because you absolutely rock! Thank you for continuing to create high quality content (Command Zone, Game Knights, Extra Turns, etc...), please keep up the exceptional work. :+1:


Thanks Tyler! We super appreciate the support. It really keeps us going. You rock! -JLK


Does forking a plainswalker ability make it add more counters? You seemed to imply this, but I thought the adding/removing loyalty counters was a cost, not an effect of activating the ability. [Edit: just saw @Jack Watters comment, other peoples comments weren't appearing for me for a while there...]