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Show Notes:

Exciting news! Josh has been selected to the new Commander Advisory Group (CAG). This is a panel of people whose role is to provide official feedback on topics suggested by the Commander Rules Committee and raise issues that they believe need attention within the EDH format.

As a result, on today’s episode we thought it would be a good idea to discuss the most prominent and current hot-button Commander issues. That way we can find out what JLK’s stance is on each of them, what actions (if any) he will advocate for the RC to take, and why.


CAG Announcement Article:



What we talked about on THE END STEP:

Fyre (Netflix):


Fyre Fraud (Hulu):




To The Rules Committee l The Command Zone #253 l Magic: the Gathering EDH

Support the show and become a Patron! Be a part of our community, receive awesome rewards, and more! http://www.patreon.com/commandzone ---------- Show Notes: Exciting news! Josh has been selected to the new Commander Advisory Group (CAG). This is a panel of people whose role is to provide official feedback on topics suggested by the Commander Rules Committee and raise issues that they believe need attention within the EDH format. As a result, on today’s episode we thought it would be a good idea to discuss the most prominent and current hot-button Commander issues. That way we can find out what JLK’s stance is on each of them, what actions (if any) he will advocate for the RC to take, and why. ---------- The Command Zone podcast is brought to you by Card Kingdom! Make sure to use our affiliate link the next time you purchase Magic cards or products: http://www.cardkingdom.com/commandzone Huge thanks to UltraPro (http://www.ultrapro.com - @UltraProIntl) for sponsoring this episode and providing awesome prizes for our giveaways! Find UltraPro on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UltraProInternational/ Purchase a Game Knights t-shirt (available for a limited time): http://bit.ly/GKShirt ---------- CAG Announcement Article: http://www.starcitygames.com/articles/38218_Introducing-The-Commander-Advisory-Group.html ---------- What we talked about on THE END STEP: Fyre (Netflix): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ0KNVU2fV0 Fyre Fraud (Hulu): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljkaq_he-BU ---------- Follow us on Twitter! @commandcast @JoshLeeKwai @jfwong Email us: commandzonecast@gmail.com ---------- Huge thanks to Geoffrey Palmer for providing some of his amazing Living Cards animations for our videos. Follow him here: https://twitter.com/livingcardsmtg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIuqWt79_d0hUK-dRhzFtAQ Check out our sister podcast - The Masters of Modern: http://collected.company/category/the-masters-of-modern/ Commander/EDH Official Rules, Banlist, Forums, and more: http://mtgcommander.net/rules.php



Wouldn't care if off color fetches were banned, but that change would likely sweep Farseek out of every deck except 5C. Feels bad. Farseek is one of my favorite ramp spells.


I am hoping I misheard, but I could swear Jimmy said the next episode of Game Knights is the final one. Please tell me this was just a miscommunication!

Arcane Reno

Congrats to Josh for getting 'advisor' added to his creature type! :D


I think people should be able to play as many cards as possible, and I'm happy for cEDH players that they have so much fun with it. Most people in my playgroup including myself play mostly very high power level decks that aren't really cEDH or even close, but sometimes are combo-y and whatnot. However, most of us have found that even with our fairly strong EDH decks, playing against actual cEDH decks is just MISERABLE. They're so strong, and win so fast, and it's often just completely unfun for everyone else at the table. And sure, we often try to agree on a power level to play at ahead of time, but there's not really anything stopping someone from just playing a cEDH deck over and over anyways. Again, I don't want to stop those people from playing those decks (so no I'm not advocating huge widespread bans) but I'd really love to have something separating the 2 styles of play. I also imagine that splitting EDH into "regular" edh and cEDH by creating a new format would probably be a big flop and a huge, confusing hassle, so I'm not necessarily recommending that either. And sure, it's technically possible for us to agree to house rules about what cards are banned in our playgroup, but not everyone would want to agree, so those who did would just end up with an even worse chance against the cEDH players. Plus, it would be impossible for everyone in our group to universally agree on which cards not to allow anyways, because it's all subjective. Also, some of us have multiple playgroups. I would love to see the rules committee make an official "EDH light suggested banlist" of the 5 to 15 ish cards that they think make the format unfair/unfun for casual players and make cEDH decks too good by comparison. This way, players can look at this one universal list and choose to have some of our decks be regular EDH and some be EDH Light, and then no matter who you're playing against, you can always ask ahead of time "EDH or EDH light?" And as it's just a suggestion, there's no problem with just ignoring it sometimes if you just want to play casual decks and powered decks all together. I like that commander is a 100 card singleton format, so I personally think it's against the spirit of the format (and frankly just too strong) to have the strongest 1 and 2 mana tutors, as they effectively make the 2 cards out of 100 in your deck that happen to go infinite into the 6 or 7 cards that any 2 of together will end the game. I also think that having 8 mana on turn 1 or 2 is just nuts and breaks the color pie because you don't even have to play green to play the best cEDH ramp. So my suggestions for the EDH rules committee approved "EDH light suggested banlist" are demonic tutor, worldly tutor, enlightened tutor, vampiric tutor, mystical tutor, imperial seal, mana crypt, sol ring, possibly mana vault or carpet of flowers (although I think these are fairly balanced), and then possibly rhystic study (drawing an average of like 10 cards for 3 mana is absolutely absurb), isochron sceptor (a 2 card infinite should probably cost more than 4 gosh darned mana total), and stasis (I've never even played against it, I just really don't ever want to.) Everyone roast me about how dumb this idea is cuz it probably is


I think it meant something like 'the final product'. At least that's what I thought.


Why not vote Boros for all four players? :P I mean that probably would be stupid because it wouldn't put Boros in reference to other color pairs but it would be fair, I guess. And at least a Boros deck would win for once :D


Just because you have lost to a card multiple times does not make it ban worthy. Just because you can't afford that great card does not make it ban worthy. Always look inward when deck building and don't be selfish. Don't take away someone else's tools that they were able to get because you don't have access to them. Play more countermagic in your blue decks. Play more removal in all of your decks. Put yourself in the frame of mind that every time you sit down to play, one or two opponents will be casting "ban worthy" cards. Since you have anticipated this, you will be prepared. Your 98/99 can't be locked in forever. A commander deck is a living organism that needs to adapt to its environment or it will die. Take this for what you will. Words from an older gentlemen.


I love the flavor of off-color fetches. It's very dimir to turn a flooded strand into a subterranean sewer hideout.


Hey guys, Gonna throw out the biggest concern my group has come into (9+ people a week, new to cEDH, no shop affiliation, just friends). MULLIGANS 1. We default to the official rules. 2. Used to do partial parish, but enabled too many combo 3. Scry rule has been amazing for consistency + fun 4. everyone has home rules, (free mulligan but can't play one drops till turn 3/ first one is free/ partial/ start with a baisc, scry 2 instead) some food for thought. Maybe mulligans is a thing that should be reconsidered


Make commander damage stack! :)


I like off color fetches how they are. I think you can make a flavor argument that it’s not that absurd, and the added bonus of allowing people who can’t afford the more expensive ones to play ones they open for example or are cheap enough for their budget. I mean, I didn’t even know that this was a thing until this year and I’ve been playing since about Gatecrash. I’ve been a fairly dedicated EDH player since I started and I had no idea I could’ve been making use of the Khans block fetches I opened back then and sold. If I can go almost seven years of playing EDH without knowing this then overall it seems harmless, to me at least. Also, if you did make a Paradox Engine shirt I’d totally buy one.