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The newest episode of Game Knights is here early exclusively for Patrons!

(Please do not share this link and keep it special)

Wedge from The Mana Source and The Professor from Tolarian Community College join the show to crack open some Iconic Masters and battle it out with Jimmy and Josh in crazy made-up format: 12-pack sealed multiplayer.

Who will emerge victorious? ONLY ONE MAY STAND!!

Huge thanks to all of you, our earliest supporters. This series can only exist because of your contributions.

Disclaimer: This is an early and partially rough version of the episode. The final sound mix and color correction and other aspects are still in progress. As a result, if you see anything that looks or sounds off, please let us know since we might have time to fix it before the video goes public! This has helped us catch last minute issues in the past and really helps us out.

Decklists will also be made available with the episode's official release.

One last thing: We've posted this early preview without our normal intro and sponsorship announcements but be sure to check back when the video goes live to the public (in the next couple of days), so you can enter the contest GIVEAWAY at the end of the episode.

Thank you again and we hope you enjoy the latest episode of Game Knights!

-Jimmy & Josh


Iconic Masters with Wedge and The Professor | Game Knights #12 l Patron Preview

This video is sponsored by Wizards of the Coast! (NOTE: This is a rough and unfinished version of the episode posted early exclusively for our patrons. The video has not been fully colored and the sound is not fully mixed. Please keep it special and do not share the link.) SHOW NOTES: Wedge from The Mana Source and The Professor from Tolarian Community College join the show to crack open some Iconic Masters and battle it out with Jimmy and Josh in crazy made-up format: 12-pack sealed multiplayer. Who will emerge victorious? ONLY ONE MAY STAND!! ---------- Support the show and use the link: www.cardkingdom.com/commandzone for your next purchase! Huge thanks to UltraPro (http://www.ultrapro.com - @UltraProIntl) for sponsoring this episode and providing awesome prizes for our giveaways! Find UltraPro on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UltraProInternational/ Purchase a Game Knights t-shirt (available for a limited time): http://bit.ly/GKShirt Be sure to check back when this video is officially released to the public for contest entry details. --------- Where to find our guests online: Wedge: @TheManaSource https://www.youtube.com/themanasource The Professor: @TolarianCollege https://www.youtube.com/tolariancommunity ---------- Credits: Terry Robertson & Dom Rollandeli - Additional Editing Allen Chodakowski - Director of Photography Geoffrey Palmer - Special Graphics and FX Danny Batterman - Script Supervisor and L2 Judge Bonnie Bacevich - Set Design ---------- Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommandCast/ Follow us on Twitter! @CommandCast @jfwong @JoshLeeKwai Email us: commandzonecast@gmail.com ---------- What life total app do we use? LIFELINKER: Lifelinker is the premium Life Counter app for Magic: the Gathering - available for FREE on the Apple and Android App Stores now! Customize your experience and redeem codes from your favorite creators to use their logo as your background when you game! Featuring logos from: Tolarian Community College Limited Resources Loading Ready Run Numot Gaming The Mana Source Magic The Amateuring The Masters of Modern Brainstorm Brewery The Magic Man Sam Card Kingdom Commanderin’ Commander’s Brew SGDoc ...and more! Download Lifelinker today - available on Android and IOS platforms. ----------



So i guess im just gonna go build my new grisly spectacle mill deck now lol such an over performer lol


i havent watched it quite yet. i am about to and i already love it


I am excited to watch this tonight, thanks again for all of the work you put into these guys!


seriously how did everyone get milled !


Great episode guys! I dig the new sort of cartoony animation thing that the episode had as well


Scene. Crappy motel with even worse WiFi... I made it through and loved that mill was victorious. Now hopefully the WiFi holds up so this can post hahahaha <3 you guys!


YASS! I been waiting to see wedge on game knights, can't wait to see a commander game with him in it


What the heck happened?! I’ve only seen jimmy win like once since watching you guys and he wins through mill?! What the heck???? Nice ending with kokusho by the way jimmy


I just want to thank you guys for making my days a little brighter. I'm currently having the worst week of my life so far, and this plus being the lucky patron to be called out a couple episodes ago really has added a silver lining that means a lot. Love you guys, you're worth every penny.


MILL!!! That was awesome! I think playing the occasional JLK format could be a lot of fun.


one day ill get to throw down with jimmy and josh.. one day

Daddy Dilkers

Prof that rap was fire, but you don't have nothing on my boy Dev from SBMTG


Omg the mill so funny great episode!


Glad we could brighten up you week a little bit! Hopefully this is the start of a much better week next week! -JLK


This episode reminds me of my playgroup negotiates (@16:22) hahaha


I think this was the funniest episode so far! Having the Prof back and having Wedge this time was great! Can't wait for more :)


Couldnt have asked for a better episode! You guys are awesome and worth every patreated cent!


I think you guys Jimmy and Josh, should rebrand Game Knights as a non-EDH focused show. Perhaps just "Multiplayer Magic". Format aside, this was a really great game. There's no denying that. Lots of crazy plays, and hilarious that EVERYONE was milled (though this provides some credence to why EDH decks need 100 cards when taking on 3 other players). I cannot stress enough the amazing chemistry you 4 have. It is, without doubt, in the top 2-3 most entertaining games you guys have on camera. Since episode 7, there has been ONE (the Ixalan Commanders) episode where WoTC didn't dictate EVERY card you guys used (in that case, they at most dictated your commanders -- this is minimal at most). I've also heard that episode 13 is going to be an Unstable Draft, so yet another where WoTC dictates what your card pool is (a show on Unstable EDH constructed brews seems like a seriously better show). If that's what it takes for your show to work, so be it -- just own up to it. It may be that Command Zone as a podcast remains focused on EDH, but Game Knights fits a different mold. As much as the UnsleevedMedia guy is an enormous prick, this is what he means when he's calling your show fake (I seriously hate taking that guy's side on anything). The whole "we're a commander show that puts out largely non-constructed content" is kind of silly. Reminds me of how WoTC refuses to acknowledge that cardboard quality is crap now. You guys have a branding issue, and a re-brand is necessary.


I think there's a misconception here. When did we ever call it a Commander focused show? We've never said that. In fact, quite the opposite. We've said over and over that we didn't name it "Commander Knights" for that reason. We actually titled it "Game" Knights so as to keep open the possibility in the future of occasionally featuring stuff that isn't even Magic at all. It's actually funny that you want us to re-brand because that's exactly what Game Knights is, a re-brand from the podcast. To be quite frank, we've been talking about Commander and only Commander once a week for the better part of three years on The Command Zone. That's what the podcast is, and always will be, focused on. Our other content is a chance to branch out and explore other areas of the game that we enjoy. There is nothing inherent to Game Knights that has ever been stated by us to be "Commander focused'. Did we begin there with the early episodes? Of course, because it's what we knew. Will we continue to go back to that well? Of course, because it's a format we enjoy. Will Game Knights ever be a show that's solely dedicated to Commander? No, absolutely not. That was never what was intended. And let's address the statement that WotC is dictating "EVERY card you guys use": Exhibit A: The first, original freakin' episode of the show is literally called "Out of the Box". Before we had a single sponsor or a patreon or anything. We WANT to be playing with the newest stuff. We like getting our hands on the latest and greatest and taking it for a test drive and showing it to the world. WotC wasn't even sponsoring us at the time we did the Archenemy or the Commander 2017 episodes (the 3rd and 5th most popular shows we've ever done, respectively). To claim we've somehow changed the concept of Game Knights is ludicrous. It's also manipulative and insulting to insinuate that we've somehow sold out because of WotC sponsorship. Let me just be clear: the show is exactly what we want it to be. No decisions have been made because of WotC or any other sponsor that we wouldn't have made without them. I left the prestigious and high paying business I was in because I was tired of having so little power over my own work. Of having studios and actors and producers and directors constantly grabbing at the wheel while I was driving. I wouldn't very well immediately turn around and enter into another situation where I didn't have the majority of creative control. You said yourself that the most recent Game Knights was a great time and super entertaining. But how would you have ever seen it if we weren't willing to take chances and try new things that we think are going to be hilarious and awesome? I'm not saying we'll always be right. Sometimes we'll fail. But I refuse to be scared of that. Life and art and creativity are about stretching your wings and looking for new horizons. Challenging yourself and pushing the envelope. It is this philosophy that has lead to our success up to this point. And I can promise you that we're not going to abandon it now. -JLK


Thanks for taking the time to respond, and doing so thoroughly. I do appreciate it. I am also sorry you felt insulted. That was never my intent, I have a lot of respect for you and your work (clearly, as I'm paying you for it). I think to some extent you're responding to some general criticisms you've seen before that I am not asserting. Well, at least not negatively. I don't think you're selling out to WotC. I'll get back to that though... My main point is the branding. "There is nothing inherent to Game Knights that has ever been stated by us to be "Commander focused'" Except the part where you release it on a YouTube channel called "The Command Zone", and the first 6 episodes are all commander games (only one of these, the first, was sealed, out of the box). Whether you made express statements or not, can you deny that this doesn't start creating certain expectations? It's one of those "actions speak louder" type deals. I understand the realities of creating a second channel and splitting your subscribership is downright crazy. If you want to do both (TCZ and GK), it only makes sense to release them on the same channel. I'm honestly not sure what a "re-branding" as I say, would even look like. perhaps I shouldn't have brought it up as it has left you insulted, and I did not intend that. Secondarily -- the sell out thing. I'm not accusing you of that, and even if I did, I'm not saying it's a bad thing. You're trying to make the show work, and sponsorships help shows work. However, You bring up an interesting point. You are saying that WotC did not direct you to choose the cards/format you did. I believe you. I don't know your preferences (other than I get the feeling you identify with Green moreso than other colors), but it's an interesting coincidence that the formats you're interested in playing also happen to be the ones that WotC pushes the most. WotC doesn't tend to push those that require players to pull from the secondary singles market (other than Standard). I also note that I almost never see people playing sealed formats by choice. I say that being someone who cycles through 3 different LGS's in a big metro area (the Bay). Aside from FNM, and pre-release, essentially everyone plays constructed. I have physically witnessed ONE archenemy game in my life (been playing since 4th). I won't argue with you that taking chances is important, and breeds new and interesting things. I also know it doesn't always work, but that is by no means, a reason to not try. You're absolutely right, and I'm glad you're not going to abandon it.


Lol - it sure sounds a lot like you just said "I believe you." and then listed a bunch of reasons why you don't believe me. :-P


Reasons why it's a funny coincidence. Not reasons why I don't believe you. You've got preferences -- I'm calling them weird, not false. I'm serious. I believe you. You wouldn't know this, but I'm the last guy who can call someone a sell out. I work for a big corporation and do work for other big corporations. I'm in no position to say things like that to anyone.


Haha! Fair enough. I actually love being called weird or crazy. Means I'm doing something right because the alternative is to be just like everyone else :-) Cheers- JLK


I never would have expected I would be so happy to see THREE players milled out in the same game! Very fun. Great job Jimmy!