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Hey everyone!

Sorry for the day delay, but here is our Patreon post for our Ixalan mythic spoiler Axis of Mortality and also a deck tech on Ramos, Dragon Engine.

Our Ixalan Preview is here and it's got a very powerful effect - but the real question is, does the card actually work well in EDH? Afterwards we break down Jimmy's deck brew for Ramos, Dragon Engine.  

Decklist: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/ramos-dragon-engine-jimmy/

What We Mentioned on the End Step: Stranger Things Season 2 




I found your podcast through your game knights episodes a few weeks ago. I have really been enjoying listening back through your episodes but unfortunately it quickly used up my budget for new cards. I love hearing about old cards I haven't played with forever. I took a 10 year break from magic and I enjoy learning about cards I missed out on too. Commander is great for that.


I really like Ramos as a commander. I see a couple of different directions that the deck could take. I like Grenzo, Dungeon Warden because when you cast Grenzo as a 10/10 you can trigger his ability 5 times every player's turn to have 5 chances to put a creature with power 10 or less onto the battlefield. Put in Phyrexian Dreadnought-like creatures and Valroz the Scar-Striped or Flesh // Blood and you can refill Ramos on the cheap even killing a player with Flesh // Blood (Flesh // Blood on Phyrexian Dreadnought puts 3+12 counters on Ramos as a 6/6 which adds up to 21 commander damage in one hit. Then attack and kill another player.)


The Mimeoplasm seems like it could add a lot of value in a deck with more consistently big creatures. Copying Master Biomancer/Fathom Mage/Prime Speaker Zegana/Sage of Hours to put a bunch of +1/+1 on it equal to another dead creature's power seems good. For bouncing back from board wipes I like adding Inspiring Call, Lifecraft Awakening (with Ramos out produce 10 mana in response or use Ashnod's Altar, let the wipe resolve and turn a mana rock into a 9/9), Hooded Hydra turns into 8 1/1 snakes. One of my favorite cards Primeval bounty also plays nicely with Ramos as almost any non-creature spell in the deck puts 5 counters on him. With all the mana and cards that love +1/+1 counters I would like to try Altered Ego (with 10 mana making a 10/12 Master Biomancer or 7/8 Gyre Sage) or Chorus of the Conclave to use up the extra mana every time I cast a creature spell. Since having Ramos out is going to enable explosive turns possibly on every player's turn he will be targeted for removal frequently and since he is colorless in casting cost both Animar, Soul of Elements and Rakdos, Lord of Riots can make casting Ramos again very reasonable even with the commander tax.


And my favorite card for the Ramos deck... Evolution Vat: When Ramos has 5 counters on it you are very likely to have 7 mana available to you so you attack a player and then use Evolution Vat to put a +1/+1 counter on Ramos and double once increasing the number of counters to 12, pull off 5 counters reducing it to 7 then use that mana to double twice more increasing it to 28 counters. One player is dead and this should give you plenty of mana for the next 4 player's turns if you can use it. With all the green creatures I might even add Yeva, Nature's Herald as a redundant Flash enabler. I predict that I am going to be allowed to play with Ramos exactly once in my play group so I best make the most of it.