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He came to a sudden halt, halfway buried inside of her, before his whole body convulsed. Again and again, wave after wave of contracting muscle made him twitch on the spot, Liara feeling herself filled to the very brim with his seed within a singular heartbeat. It shot out, spilling around his rough sack as it kept rubbing up against her, by now, somewhat sensitive buttocks, and even spilling out over her thigh. He let out a guttural moan, and shakily pushed in further, burying himself to the root - resulting in even more, immediate evacuation of seed.


Liara's cheeks expanded as she received another share, though from another source this time. The husk let out a series of throaty grunts, staring down at her utterly slack-jawed as she pumped his length, her deft fingers merciless in their task of milking him dry. More squirted out, the member almost jumping in her hand and turning her cheek into a huge mess before she managed to guide it back to her loving lips.


The hoarse whisper was almost inaudible, but she picked up on it none the less. More seed suddenly mattered her shoulder, spilling in torrents down her chest as the new arrival jerked himself fervently by her neck. This manner of vocalization in response to physiological arousal was something she'd noted on a few occasions before in husks, and which was mostly hearsay out in the wider world. If there existed more of their personalities inside there, locked away somehow by the old reapers, it was her duty as a scientist to study it further.

A single press of a button later, and her door opened once more.

Thankfully, there was no shortage of them.


Aftermath wallpaper for the most recent Liara Scenario. It's been rather well received so far, which isn't surprising as it's Liara we're talking about, but I am none the less always happy whenever my work reaches standards people enjoy :)

Thank you, and you in particular, for your massive support and for all of your kind words. A reminder that the poll for the first loop of March is still on-going, and it's a nail biter! Link here:

In the meantime, I hope you're doing alright out there, and that you're looking forward to what I have in store for the future. Take care of yourselves, and also each other. The world can always do with more of that.




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