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"Humanity ostensibly celebrated this on an annual basis, seemingly arbitrarily. There was no grand struggle, nothing that was overcome - the day itself seemingly appeared out of thin air, and people simply went along with it."

"Much seem to have been that way, back then - and arbitrary or not, it is our duty to keep it alive, is your argument?"

"Precisely. This is all about that. Very simple logic, is it not?"

2B's hand shook slightly as it trailed out towards 2P, her head simultaneously turning away from her companion.

"... what is this?"


"... chocolate?"

"It is anything but arbitrary."

2P stared at her in silence before, slowly, a small smile crept over her lips. She reached out and plucked, gently, the box from 2B's hand, and brought it to her chest.

"That much we can agree on, at least."


Happy Valentines folks! Blessed be our little robot buddy for showing up and making things better for everyone in this little 2B and 2P wallpaper interaction. Hope you enjoy it folks :)

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. The wife's getting antsy about celebrating the day, so I'll have to rush off and cut my regular musing short, but I hope you're holding up well out there, wherever you are.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




2B's expression of giving chocolate to 2P is so cute and lovely.🥰

