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"What do you... want from me?"

The woman smiled, her plump lips curving into a pleasant arc as she slowly, painfully so, stretched out on all fours. Hands planted wide on each side of his body, which seemed unwilling to move no matter his urging, her ample bosom came to rest naturally against the bulge in his underwear.

"Oh, nothing dear. Consider this as us getting... acquainted."

He knew better than to consort with a Cambion, but was already swollen beyond denial as her hand, deftly, plucked at the hem of his underwear - the brisk night air making him shiver.

"Oh my." She moaned, voice dripping with honey and theatrical adoration, breath stolen from his mouth as agile fingers grasped him by the root before elevating his log vertically. At no point did the smile leave her lips, their warmth almost overwhelming as she planted a solitary, gentle kiss upon his glans. Then, with a slight lean to her head, she guided him into the valley of her breasts.

"There... not bad, is it?"

Pearls of excitement leaked from the head already, and all he could do was nod, then shake his head, then nod again, mind spinning as he tried to voice his approval, eliciting a small, melodic giggle from the woman.

"Oh, we'll get along really well. I can already tell."

He tried to answer, but his voice seemed stolen, every small motion of her body sending pleasure up his spine, her breathing alone ensuring he had no respite from it, all the while her glowing eyes simply watched him.

Then, her smile widened.

"Now relax... let me take care of you."

Her head dipped down, plump lips parting over his glans, and he knew, in that very moment, that he would do anything for her.


Mizora comes to seal a deal with us, and we can only find the terms entirely sensible and agreeable. Wanted to give this model a test in the Cycles engine and got pretty happy with the results, so figured it'd do for today's wallpaper. Hope you enjoy it folks :)

Thank you, as always, for your coninued support and for all of your kind words. We're oscillating in heat once more here, where cold is now sweeping in from the north, hitting us in our darn long country first before proceeding southwards, making the roads and walkways treacherous beyond their normal, wily ways. Watch your step out there, and hope you're holding up, wherever you might be.

And of course, take care of yourselves, and each other!



Banana Bread

Oooh if more BG3 characters are on the table, I'm holding out hope for my gf Shadowheart