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The noise of the club remained an obstacle to communication, even in the back rooms of the establishment. Yet Shepard's voice carried clearly, her tone a husky, low purr as she leaned towards his ear.

"So, have you decided yet? We're all on a holiday special, you know."

"I-I'm not sure.. oh..."

"... alright, take it easy down there, Jack. Wouldn't want him to pop just yet."

Jack didn't seem to really hear her commander's annoyance, instead eliciting a moan around the thick log in her mouth, the powerful biotic's lips locked around it as she bobbed her head slowly but unrelentingly, pleasing him in a manner more reminiscent to that of a close lover than a customer.

"Perhaps having Jack on persuasion duty was... an oversight, Shepard."

Shepard huffed, her ample chest heaving as she turned to another man in line, urging him forward with a small tilt of her head. Their conversation got drowned out in the noise, if anything because the previous man was suddenly breathing like he'd run a marathon, eyes staring wide right past the two on the table all the while Jack nursed him without mercy. A small frown graced Liara's lips at the sight, and she turned to her right so as to properly assess the source of the man's rapturous gaze - leading to a revelation which made her unable to suppress a low huff of annoyance, noting from the corner of her eye how Miranda gave her a knowing look in turn. Their eyes met briefly, a manner of silent agreement being signed between them in a matter of seconds, before the former Cerberus operative turned as well to address the invasive presence behind them. Samara's naked form briefly undulated before the eyes of the crowd, hands coming up to frame and gently squeeze at her generous bosom as she brazenly enjoyed the attention she was given, and to Liara's annoyance, they were giving it to her.

"... I didn't know you had signed up for this too, Samara."

"Indeed. You usually go off on your own during the holidays."

"I didn't even know you were here on Omega, honestly."

"What made you change your mind?"

The barrage of comments made the Justicar's gaze break from the crowd for the first time since she'd arrived, and she looked between them with, initially, slight annoyance. But then, over time, her blue eyes grew more inquisitive, and she looked between the two other women with her brow slightly raised.

"Signed up for what, dears?"


Happy New Year folks! This is a scheduled post since I'm off and away, but I'm none the less extending my wishes to you in what form I can. Next year is honestly an exciting one, and I hope to delineate in the Progress Report this coming week what the plans are and the likes, so look foward to that.

Thank you so much for supporting me for yet another year of this endeavor, and for all of your kind words. Without your support I could not possibly make this stuff, so know that it's all thanks to your contributions here that I'm able to spend so much tome on my 3D work and writing. It really means the world to me, and honestly feels kind of surreal still to this day that people like my stuff this much. I will endeavor, as always, to measure up to your expectations and your support, and hope that you've had as good a year as is possible. So Happy New Year once again, and "good continuation" as we say up here :)

And as always, take care of yourselves, and each other!




cheers for a new year


A belated Happy New Years to you too! And the very best of luck in 2024!