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"You have to flaunt more, 'Auntie', that's your issue".

"I'm having no issues, thank you very much. Your top is plenty, eye-catchingly small."

"Yours is... very warm. What was the reason for this again?"

"They say that you should walk a mile in someone else's shoes before judging them, so I figured this would be a nice bonding experience."

"I'm not sure that's what-."

"Oh! Oh, excuse me, gentlemen!"

A procession of suited men stopped, eyeing the women curiously. The club's lighting was sparse, as expected of a more music focused venture, but with skin reflecting light better than cloth the two women stood out none the less, if anything owing to the lack of the latter. A moment passed before the mass of men parted like tall grass, a man of prodigious size striding out from between them all, his cane hitting the floor with a distinct tap with each step he took, easily audible over that of the locale's music.

"Yes, ladies?"

His barrel-sized chest expanded with breath as he came to a stop, white suit jacket tailored perfectly to contain his mass, deep-set eyes staring down at them with barely guarded curiosity. Cass puffed her chest out, meeting his gaze through her bangs, and smiled.

"We're looking for... company. Would you perhaps be interested?"

Another moment of silence, before the white-suited man gave a mirthless chuckle.

"I believe I recognize you. We'd be... delighted, if you could join us. We were just headed upstairs."

A hand almost the size of Chel's entire torso beckoned them along as he turned, and as the other men closed around them, a hand gingerly placing itself on her exposed behind, a small fire was lit in her stomach.

"See? No problem." Cass whispered, and Chel nodded, biting her lip as the hand became rougher, more insistent. Their steps grew more hurried, and they walked deeper into the building, door after door swinging open before them before they, finally, entered a murky conference room. The white-suited man wasted no time, striding over to sit in a chair on the far end, one clearly built for his size, and sighed - hand haphazardly gesturing towards the other chairs.

"Take your seats, gentlement."

They sallied forth, men of various ages and creeds, though most of them on the older side with plenty of grey hair on display. Chairs creaked, weary elbows resting against the polished surface of the large, oval table in the middle, and soon, the man's hand gestured once more.

"Girl in green, get under the table and get to work. Just give the fellas a good time. You however..."

Two of the men rolled their chairs out to give Chel an entry, one she promptly made way for, heart beating hard in her chest. Before vanishing into the dark below, she saw how the gigantic man turned towards Cass, and a smile spread on his otherwise stoic face, familiarity twinkling in his eyes.

"You and your pretty little mouth will tend to me in particular."


Wednesday wallpaper! I had to whip this one up during the Tuesday on account of being away the whole Wednesday, but the schedule demands its darn due, so this is a scheduled post while DH is off somewhere in the ether. Was a bit of a pain to fit the stuff on different characters, so I hope you enjoy it, folks :)

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. More project work is coming up this week, and we'll soon entire the holiday seasons, meaning the whole of December will have its content holiday themed. Time to bring out the santa hats and the likes, so hope you're doing alright out there folks!

To facilitate thusly, take care of yourselves, and each other!




I wholeheartedly respect your willingness to branch out with new characters DH! The wallpaper this time around is quite far removed from my taste as far as the characters' faces are concerned, but I'm sure someone will love them!