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March has ended up being a busy month with several of my projects brewing in the background so I figured, due to the amount of messages I've received about how things are going, I'd just give you beautiful people a quick rundown of how things are behind the scenes! As such, the states of current projects are;

Alien DNA 2:

Rework is being done on scene 1, hence the grand delay, as I realized I really wasn't happy with how certain parts ended up rendering. Part 3 is still in the works as well, but I've definitely hit a road-bump on this one, purely because I want it to be better than the first DNA video I made, as opposed to worse. I have not forgotten about it, so don't worry, Miranda's little adventure will continue!

Lady in the Woods:

Post-production has begun. Which, for me, is fixing sounds, music, scene composition etc. Working on this was ridiculously smooth, with no models deciding to act up, so I don't know whether to be happy or scared to death. Anyway, at this rate, it looks like it'll be the first to be done, so look forward to Lulu getting herself a creampie from venturing a little too far into the Besaid forest in the near future!

Lazarus Project Negotiations:

Progressing, but nowhere near where the previous two are. Bloated beyond recognition of its original short-anim idea, as happens per usual when I get inspired. Being cranked away at though, so its release is inevitable sometime in the future.


After the massive feedback gotten from the "Reintroductions" short I made last, a sequel-animation is in the works. Several other ideas including solo-works of the lovely Syx, Lulu, Farah and Elizabeth, are at the concept stages, and I will definitely share them out here once/if the lighting and posing is adequate. I've even tried playing around with some Warcraft models, though they're sadly lacking in the butt and boob department and might thus not fit in the general niche of the work featured here and on my tumblr.

As always, thank you all for your continued support! My tumblr and patreon have grown far larger than I ever anticipated, and you are all a grand motivator for me to do my dirty work. Seriously, I can't state this enough; thank you.

And finally, first month of spring has hit! Hope you're doing well out there!





Ok. I'm glad you are polishing stuff as you see fit. Within reason ofcourse. :)


So excited for Lady of the woods! A friend of mine is working on a Lulu project himself, that you may enjoy when it comes out DH.


Sounds interesting! Hope to see it when it reaches completion :)