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Hello everyone and welcome to the final progress report of the year!

The Widowmaker Christmas short is slated for release early tomorrow the 24:th. Us weirdos up here celebrate it a bit off the mark by being a day early, but that just means Christmas has come early for some of you I reckon :)

The project isn't anything massive, clocking in at just about 1.5 minutes, and it's significantly more simplistic compared to my usual project work in that it features only one pose. Regardless, I've taken your past feedback on board with this one, tried to get some "lingering" shots going on certain angles (while desperately trying to not re-use the same sounds too often) and mixing it up a bit, with the usual finisher you've come to expect from my work. I hope you'll enjoy it for what it is, in that respect, and look forward to my more ambitious projects on the horizon!

Speaking of horizons, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, whichever is applicable for you! As I've noted before in other progress reports, I'll be taking some days off following Christmas, returning in time for New Years to post a wallpaper celebration on the 31:st. I'm in desperate need to recharge my batteries, so these will be some sorely needed days of rest, so I can come back in full swing in January again.

The holidays coupled with the time this project took to sort out, this means no loop this coming Monday, and no wallpaper on Wednesday, with the New Years one landing on the 31:st. I'll be making up for the Alley Crew missing out on one of their promised polls this month as well by having 3 instead of 2 going in January, so it'll be one hell of a busy month. With new years and my day job it remains to be seen what state I'm in for Monday the 2:nd, so I don't want to promise we're back at schedule immediately following new years, but I will endeavor to return to normalcy as soon as possible.

2022 has been a really rough year, for many of us, and I am looking with tentative hope at 2023 - particularly in terms of project content delivery. On that note, I'll be writing up a much more extensive progress report on the 6:th where I delineate what projects are currently in the works, as well as what my priorities will be for the immediate future. I have a lot of stuff in the works and I'd like to bite some of them off, as we say up here, before starting anything new, but more on that then :)

Thank you, so incredibly much, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. You are the reason I am able to continue doing what I do here - just like the spice must flow, so too must the smut, and I'll do my outmost to be worthy of your support both now and in the future.

It's damn slippery outside, so take care of yourselves, and each other!




Always glad to be subbed to you. You're a trooper, and thank you for a good year in terms of content. I hope the next one will be a good one personally as well. Merry Christmas!


Have a well-deserved (albeit short, from what I read) rest, DH, and have a merry Christmas, of course !