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There was supposed to be only one.

Her pursuit of the cursed sword had brought her here, to a dilapidated maze, more of a ruin, and though she had been forewarned of its guardian she had entered without hesitation. With her clawed left hand planted firmly along the wall, she'd followed it with purpose in her every step, driving herself ever deeper into the murky depths.

As it was, Light gave way to darkness, and as the hours passed, darkness would give way to a small trail of torches along the walls, crudely maintained but fulfilling their purpose none the less. She had appropriated one, plucking it from its socket and brandishing it like it had the same potential as her own weapon, the oppressive atmosphere suddenly bearing down on her twofold - maintained torches meant, after all, that she was not alone.

As yet more time passed, she felt her confidence subjected to attrition, and what had started as a confident stride was reduced to a walk, and then a slow, nervous stalk - her teeth gritting as, with every step, her heeled boots would give off a clearly audible, metallic clack that would echo down the halls.

It was at the juncture of an intersection that hooved steps suddenly approached, heavy thuds that spoke of the magnitude of the threat, and Ivy briefly fought herself in her mind - toss the torch aside and huddle in the safety of the shadows, or face her challenger in the open and be done with it?

Pride had won out, in the end, and she placed herself gallantly, with as much confidence as she could muster in her stance, in the middle of the hall - feet planted wide, ready to engage as necessary. Squaring her shoulders, she drew in a deep breath, and suddenly, it turned the corner.

At first a towering shadow, it seemed to swell and occupy the entirety of the hall, like a large, billowing cloud of smoke, but as it approached, its form would take shape and inevitably catch the light of the torches - brown fur, hooved feet, and a pair of deep-set eyes staring at her unflinchingly as it approached.

"You are the guardian, I take it. Very well, let us... be..."

Ivy's voice trailed off as he suddenly stood before her, his form hunched over slightly as he was unable to raise to his full height on account of the ceiling. He bathed in the light of her own torch, slightly held aloft as it was, bristling muscle stretching the furred coat over his chest, shoulders, thighs - Ivy's eyes were wide as saucers - just about everywhere.

Her heart jumped in her chest - he was also stark naked.

"I- I've come here to..."

He gazed at her, partly with the apprehension an intruder deserved, but also, unmistakably intrigued. Taking half a step forward, he rolled his hips, ever so slightly, which was enough to make his considerable log sway beneath him - lips curling into a feral smile as Ivy's eyes darted to it. Her tongue shot out to moisten her lips, and she cleared her throat, Ivy feeling herself growing increasingly less focused on the larger picture.


Her words froze in her throat as she looked up at him. The minotaur simply towered over her, utterly unmoved by her brandishing her weapon, unflinching in his gaze, his muscled torso swelling from a deep, anticipatory breath. He had asked her nothing, told her nothing, and still he was all too obviously waiting for her - as though whatever outcome of their meeting mattered little to him, and it was entirely up to her to choose. Her heart beat in her chest, and heat traveled up and down her form like fire.

"Do you know where I can find-"

The minotaur gave off a low grunt, and before her very eyes, she saw his already considerable member twitch, and then swell, if by a mere inch. She had spent years mastering alchemy, painful trial and error that had almost spelled her doom on more than on occasion, all just to perfect the blade in her hand. The metallic clatter as it fell to the floor was lost to her, drowned in the deep, rumbling breath of the minotaur as she sunk to her knees - his gigantic form stepping up, wordlessly, to be served.

His moans rumbled along the hallways, loud enough to make her feel the vibrations in her knees with the additional reverberations down his shaft making her feel utterly overwhelmed by his presence. Ivy's lips and tongue did what they did best, all the while her hands grabbed and rubbed circles eagerly against his muscled thighs - eyes widening as she'd occasionally angle her head during her onslaught and catch a glimpse of his swollen sack, where two jewels the size of honeydew melons would twitch from excitement.

"So big... such a big boy you are..."

She elicited yet more approval from him, and felt herself, already excited, growing light-headed from the premonition of what lie ahead. Then, suddenly, she froze - thuds reaching her ears - the sound of more hooves approaching. Her lover reared his head and groaned once more, but unlike before, a similar rumble came in response - echoing from down the halls.

Ivy remained still, and after a moment, she heard it - more responses, beyond even that of the new arrival. He stepped around the corner, his fur a midnight black, and strode up in a way that was utterly bereft of surprise or even a moment's hesitation. A hand the size of her entire head came down and plucked hers free from her lover's thigh, guiding it to grasp around an already hard log that was identical in girth to the one in her mouth.

Ivy finally realized the message implicit in their mannerism - this was, simply, how things were supposed to be. From the moment she had entered their domain, this was the only outcome, and now the guardians of the maze were coming to claim what they were owed. She whimpered from passion, and turned her head to sample the new arrival with her mouth, his rumbled excitement being the point where her paltry excuse for clothing no longer could contain her own - a gentle trickle spilling forth to run along the inside of her thick thighs.

There were supposed to be only one - but she didn't have much in the way of complaints.


Angle 1:

Angle 2:

Angle 3:

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EDIT (sound, small file size, sony vegas edited)
RAW (no sound, large file size, raw render)


Monday loop featuring Ivy, who for once is getting accustomed to some friends that aren't her lizard ones. Getting the breasts to look somewhat realistic in their motion in this one was a fight, but I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out overall. Hope you enjoy it!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words! Changes are coming to the $10 tier by next month in the form of some additions, giving it some more meat on the bones, so keep an eye out for that elaboration in a future progress report. In the meantime, stay hydrated in the heat, and seek shade wherever possible.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




Love the flavor text and setup for this one in particular, DH. That's effort paying off.


Love Ivy! We need more of her :(