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Hello everyone and welcome to another in the line of progress reports!

This week's mainly been dedicated to the Wonder Woman comic sequel and other model work, as I've had little time and energy in the ways of sitting down for longer stretches to do animation work. The Convict (Mass Effect, Jack) project is still underway but had to take a backseat this week owing to my real life work schedule taking a big bite out of my capacity to work on it.

In the way of good news, the main comic is making good progress, now having overshot the intro (~30 pages) in length by standing on page 46 in the script, and I believe I am just about at, or have just crossed, the midway point. The final main comic will probably push close to 100 pages, with an epilogue planned onto that, meaning we'll give Diana one hell of a ride and set up for multiple potential sequels in the future, perhaps with other main characters on that - something I've opted to bring up to a vote in some future polling.

I'm anxious to get the main comic sorted at least script-wise and with baseline poses from start to finish before I sit down and actually render/edit the intro since, as I believe I've said before, I don't want the time gap between the intro and the main comic to be too long, and you never know when my schedule decides to suddenly bring the hammer down. The epilogue, I figured, is something I will work on only once the main comic is properly finished and in your hands, so as to not drag this out more than necessary.

I've once more gotten more than a handful questions about commissions lately, both here on Patreon and on twitter, and I'm sad to say that it seems highly unlikely that I'll be opening for them anytime soon. My schedule, energy levels and general motivation would simply not allow for it. I will keep you all informed on the matter, just as usual, in case this changes.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words! The winter months are always harsh, a remnant from olden times one might say, but if you can find some meaning in the everyday workings of life, there's always a path forward.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




Oh please render the intro and give it to us 🥺


😩🙏 dear porn lords, pls give Dreamhawk the energy he needs amen.


Hope you get some proper rest can't wait for the comic to come out