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Hello everyone!

The Monday Loop will sadly be slightly delayed - I was creating a bit of an experimental piece and hoped to have it render during the night. Preparing to sort out one last scene before the render, a thunderstorm suddenly rolled in and I really don't want to leave my computer plugged in during that time. Frying my new components would make me very sad indeed!

I'll hopefully have time to polish the piece during the day instead, and be able to deliver it to you, at the very latest, on Tuesday!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support, and for all of your kind words! I've got a lot of interesting things coming up, so stay tuned and see what's around the corner! Now to turn this damn thing off before the thunder claims us all! :)

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




Love this picture! can't wait to see a loop from it when it's ready!


want this video


I missed Widowmaker a lot. One of my favorite bitches without a doubt.


is this pic going to be the loop?


Looks very promising! Eager to see those tig ol' bitties flopping \(~.~)/ Delays happen. :)


Widowmaker is nice! Waiting a new parts about Tracer, he-he boi