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Fridays are for finally settling in after a rough week and reporting on the progress of matters before, finally, it is weekend.

Hello everyone and welcome to another in the line of progress reports! I've been a bit scattered this week in terms of project work, my brain seemingly having some issues settling on a singular thing to work on and thus ending up doing a lot of peripheral work that, while necessary, isn't particularly exciting to read about. In short summary, Breaking the Lineage is coming along nicely (though we're yet to hear from the VA), I've finally gotten the tools necessary to explore the prospect of WoW model porting from the game into Blender, I'm familiarizing myself with other model types (such as importing FBX files and sorting them out in Blender) in order to facilitate future use thereof, and a multitude of smaller, but still significant, knowledge-dives in terms of both SFM and Blender. Most significantly perhaps, my SFM renders from hereon out will consist of natively rendered 1080p releases, instead of 720p scaled up to 1080p as in the past, since I realized that with my new graphic card I can now pull off the sensitive override (you have to force SFM to do 1080p using command lines) of the program without it all crashing and burning.

We also have our results from the Muscles On Strong Women poll! Though my English was lacking and I didn't explain it entirely adequately, I believe the results sort of speak for themselves regardless - we can allow the likes of Wonder Woman to be a bit on the buff side. The soft ladies, like Liara, were never in question, and will in fact pretty much never be as toned as the "soft" option showed in the poll in question - I will keep trying to consider what muscle tone, or lack thereof, is appropriate for each character. This was primarily to gauge just how muscular those ladies in the very top of the muscle category were allowed to be, and as it turns out, the community is fine with the likes of Wonder Woman being a little on the beefy side, while of course being railed hard by absolutely everyone.

Blender Projects are still on hold while we await the new computer parts, which will significantly upgrade my capacity to make intricate scenes from before. My large order at the online retailer is just waiting for the CPU at the moment, with a shipment of it expected to arrive towards the end of this month, so hopefully, fingers crossed, by next month we'll undergo the sweaty process of moving all my old stuff out of this chassis, replacing it with the new stuff, and hoping that Windows just accepts it all silently.

I might have a Lady Dimitrescu piece planned for this Monday, but we'll see how it turns out.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words! The heat is arriving in force, and I thank my past self for buying an adequate indoor fan to keep the household somewhat cooler. We build our houses up here to trap heat, without air condition, so when the heat across the world is slowly building we're generally ill-prepared to deal with it. But still, we make do, as we all must at the end of the day :)

Take care of yourselves, and each other!



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